Eye bin talked ter gas feinds un blue van as returned. Me boyla be norty asit be wurkin now. It beer gud job eye filmed its screen ter record the process codes. It be oot ont calibration ont low side wtch yer cant adjust. So they be fittered er new gas valve soon.

Eye as also bin tinkerin. Eye fitted er new lock ter me loft atch un found thar beer gap tall round where me eat beer scaypin. It be covered wiv card now.
'ere 'ippo, 'ave a luk at this berd feeder from CJ Wildlife - Cairns Seed Feeder. We've just bought one and it seems to be very good. The Perspex cover can be raised or lowered according to the birds you want to get at the seed ..... and it keeps the seed (and birds) dry.
Eye bin talked ter gas feinds un blue van as returned. Me boyla be norty asit be wurkin now. It beer gud job eye filmed its screen ter record the process codes. It be oot ont calibration ont low side wtch yer cant adjust. So they be fittered er new gas valve soon.

Eye as also bin tinkerin. Eye fitted er new lock ter me loft atch un found thar beer gap tall round where me eat beer scaypin. It be covered wiv card now.
Wotcha need er new lock ont loft atch for. Is it to keep yer missus from findin ya porn stash?

Today I hit a turning point in my home refurb (4 years into a 6 month job - but thats how it goes innit?), and all major jobs jobbed. And now making serious plans (aided by a few cans) to modify my garage so I can get the landy in. Initial investigations indicate I can get the landy in after increasing the door opening height and changing the up n over door to summing else. Length no problem, width poses some challenges as it is only 8 feet and a gnats dick wide. So tomorrows feasibility study is to see if I can get out of the garaged landy by climbing out through the back door. Possibly need to take the cubby box out.
Wotcha need er new lock ont loft atch for. Is it to keep yer missus from findin ya porn stash?

When eye were ikkle ah wur er sheep int bed un the wind be blowed ard. It went frew the roof tiles un the loft atch banged tup un darn. It woke me tup. We add an atch witch yer push tup an it comes oot the ole un yer shuvvit ter one side.

Me castle as er loft atch anorl. It beer one that yer push tup er bit then it flaps darn. Eye asser larma int me castle and eye be worried me atch mite flat darn and annoy it. So eye as purra bolt onnit.
Today I hit a turning point in my home refurb (4 years into a 6 month job - but thats how it goes innit?), and all major jobs jobbed. And now making serious plans (aided by a few cans) to modify my garage so I can get the landy in. Initial investigations indicate I can get the landy in after increasing the door opening height and changing the up n over door to summing else. Length no problem, width poses some challenges as it is only 8 feet and a gnats dick wide. So tomorrows feasibility study is to see if I can get out of the garaged landy by climbing out through the back door. Possibly need to take the cubby box out.
Eye reverse ma hippo int garage with me drivers door very close ter wall. Eye then gerrout the passenger side.

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