Mission accomplished.

The ferry is an expensive faff too, my mother lives in Dublin so handy enough when you get off the ferry but still haven't been over there in years, I checked ferry prices this Christmas and it was near enough £500 including petrol. It is hard to swallow when you can get a week all inclusive in the Caribbean for the same price. I like Guinness but I do like rum too :)
Exactly, I probably get 8 return flights for that
Long day?
Ah bin trying ter renda me lintels. Got as far as cleanin the foam backing material oft where er plastic strip were stuck toowit. Compressa ter clean oot around the frame. Gap filled with eggspanding foam. Then pushed up the inside plasta wither bottle jack. Then messed around finkin the winda is bowed. Turns oot the opening winda's need adjustin ter make em level with the frame. Frame is bowed ut the bottom slightly un straight ut the top. Eye put the metal strip bead fing er cross the top. Then gave up as it were dark un gerrin too cold fer mixin renda. Me laser level batteries be flat but eye remembered me edd torch be int ma ippo. Ah came ter the conclusion ah need ter put two screws int un mark er line ter wurk to so ah dunt keep finkin its oot. Just wurk to me line.

Un the british gas man/wimmins be busy with breakdarns an ole peeps with medical problems thut take priority... balls... So he now be comin saterday ter see me boyla.

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