Eye remember being at me mot tester un his friend next door who services and repairs cars walks past oot side un said done it again, while carrying a rolled tup carpet to the bin.

They put carpet at the bottom of the pit to catch drips un spills. If yer fergettid ter put the sump plug int, said carpet catches the oil whens whe tip it int engine un it runs oot. Roll tup said carpet un the mess is nearly all cleaned tup.

As he walked over ter the bin the mot man said to his mate he must be busy if it's taken arf a day to tidy tup. He did that this morning. As he said that the service mans mate came int ter borrow somefink un over urd said comment. He said nah. We int busy. Its the second time he's done it to the same car terday, having cleaned tup the first time.

The mot man said whens he wur an apprentice ut the bus yard he did it onner bus. 22 leeters capacity eys finks. He said it were runnering down the yard as he kept filling it and wunderin why it weren't filled tup.
Ere, ave some respect. Dan may beer bastid but he does own a big freelander.

No disrespect, was atcherly commenting in the first person. I has done much the same wif an ice bottla summink..
An me tratter is biggererer, so nur nur nee nur :p
Ah bint choppin yerterday ut srewfix. Eye be gorrid some screws fer screwin. Ur metal bar fer fightin me floor bords an some trunkin fer hidin fings. Anchor butta un sossij rolls be ont discount ut sainsburys. Ah wood av teld yer sooner but eye busy last nite.
Morning all. Still alive & kicking. :D
I have been volunteered to get the old battle-axe's car going today to stop her whining.
Am being dragged there by my ear by the other half who will endeavour to keep said battle-axe off me while I work the magic.
We are going to collect all the paperwork to see if she's MOT'd, taxed/insured and if she even has a current license to drive.
This may not end well. ;)
Morning all. Still alive & kicking. :D
I have been volunteered to get the old battle-axe's car going today to stop her whining.
Am being dragged there by my ear by the other half who will endeavour to keep said battle-axe off me while I work the magic.
We are going to collect all the paperwork to see if she's MOT'd, taxed/insured and if she even has a current license to drive.
This may not end well. ;)

Hey presto? :)
Eye drained oft 650 leeters fromt me buts coz they were filled un over flowin. Eye be knows there be more rain (tis raynin now) so eye as made some space ferrit. Wata but wata went darn me drain as me grass be well wet ter walk ont. Eye be trying ter reduce the wetness of me grass. It be surprising ow much wata be filled me buts this week.

Eye be wored oot. Nite.

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