The good lord wurks int mysterious ways. Eye were leavin fer wurk un found ur plastic bag int me front gardin. Eye had already been oot the back gardin purrin oot meal wurms fer me burds. 3 magpies av bin spotted ont poo cam over night and me bricks were moved an inch but there be no fox. Me camera can't sea ut night unless the ootside light be triggered. Anyways ah went back oot the back ter put said plastic bag int bin un thar beer tweetin from a burd. Eye turns round ter sea er bobbin ont me burd ouse. Eye stud still and it be carried ont. Eye were ate foot erway. I said hello toowit and it stayed thar tweetin. Eye fink me bobbin be back and appy ter sea me. Eye be well chuffed anorl. Gorra pic anorl. It stayed there ferra lot longer than eye would eggspect after yer gorrid eye contact wivvit. I turned erway and he went to me meal wurms then as I stepped forward ter watch him eat round corner er garage he was already startin ter fly towards a bush an under it. Eye left him un be app.
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' afternoon, been grinding brackets under the car all morning and now my ears are full of metal shavings. Had to buy a new grinder in between, every angle grinder I have ever had the ****ing switch button breaks, how hard is it to make an on/off switch that doesn't fall apart???
how hard is it to make an on/off switch that doesn't fall apart???
Avoid buying stuff made in chyna. Last weekend I refurbished a 60 year old bathroom light switch (pull chord), it only needed a bit of cleaning. UK made, from solid materials, brass and nylon internals. No wear at all. Good for at least another 60 years. The standard new offerings in all the usual mainstream outlets are made of crap and guarantee to fail in no time. Bought some new spot lights, paid top money for decent quality but all the bulbs (bought separately) and "guaranteed for 15000 hrs and with a 25 year life) are made in PRC. I expect them to need replacing within 18 months
Put me battery on charge yesterday and overnight, cos it got a bit low. Let it settle this morning and reconnected it. Now pulsing and glowing like a nuclear reactor :). Hope it doesn't tear the engine from its mountings when I switch the ignition on :eek:.
Avoid buying stuff made in chyna. Last weekend I refurbished a 60 year old bathroom light switch (pull chord), it only needed a bit of cleaning. UK made, from solid materials, brass and nylon internals. No wear at all. Good for at least another 60 years. The standard new offerings in all the usual mainstream outlets are made of crap and guarantee to fail in no time. Bought some new spot lights, paid top money for decent quality but all the bulbs (bought separately) and "guaranteed for 15000 hrs and with a 25 year life) are made in PRC. I expect them to need replacing within 18 months

I checked the broken one Black and Decker, Slough (made in the PRC) New one Makita, made in Romainia, I'm not sure how much better that is. I'm sure all the components are made in China anyway. Its hard to find anything that's not made in China anymore.

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