It be cold. Eye be cold. Burrit taint raynin. Eye be finkin erbout making me hair compressur quietur by purrin its box over it ter reduce the loudness ovvit. Eye be keypin it erway fromt hair int tayk. It might wurk. Eye as already got some foam ter stand it ont.

Eye seen ur silent one running tother day but they be 3 times the price.
Morning all :D
The Juggling of the angry chain-saw atop a ladder yesterday was a success and the only limbs severed were those of Old Man Willow at the bottom of the garden.
Bike parts arrived today (brake pipe shortening kit(s)) so the new trike may get to be ridable this W/E when I plumb in the hydraulic lines. :)
Got Grand-daughter to look after all day today so no me-time allowed. Lovely sweet little thing but Porton-Down have called and asked for a sample of what she ejects into her nappies as they would like some for their chemical-warfare arsenal.
Christ she's a stinker. Makes one's eyes water changing her bum. It is incongruous that something so foul could come from such sweet little kid.:eek:
Pics, or you ain't got one :D
You would be disappointed, it isn't "that sort" of trike.
It is a Gentleman's Recumbent "Tadpole" tricycle (i.e. a Lazee-boy sit-down 3-wheeled bike).
Home made, folds up for transport, has CVT hub-gearing and three 20" wheels.
Not at all what you may have expected I think?

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