I can't shift this dry cough I've had for the past week.
Me ribs are starting to really urt
If it's bin going ont fer that long yer shudda gone ter the quacks ter gerrit investigated morer.

Eye beer docta but only fer ippo's. Does it happen when yer turn left or right? Wot about slowin down int newtrul?
If it's bin going ont fer that long yer shudda gone ter the quacks ter gerrit investigated morer.
Probably just like your own NHS, trying to get an appointment with a quack over 'ere takes several days unless I tell them that me heads fallen off and there seems to be blood everywhere.
I'll give it a few more days and if needs be I'll try and get an appointment.
This is why I hate having my teeth repaired.
The filling that was put in last Christmas Eve has just made a bid for freedom
£400 quid and it only lasted 9 months! :mad:

Edit: The next hot or cold drink I have will tell me how well the root canal treatment was done.
Us boys think they denterists shud pay us volks fer pleasure em gets vrum torcherin us. Twould be a crime iffn em wuzznt professionalisers.

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