It be gerrin darkur nites. Hadter drive ome ter me castle wiv me ed lytes ont. Fust time ferra whale. Winter be ear. Soon be christmas. Tis rainin anorl. Me wata buts be appi. Ma ippo's tuked tup ersheep int garage. Eye be sat int warmth lisnin ter rain washin windas. Got fresh kleen sheets ont me bed ternite. Eye be smeelin er comfut spring fresh by mornin.
Píssing it down here. :confused: cold too :eek:

Luckily Disco's heater works!

Workshop roof has also developed a leak, and has filled one of toolboxes with water :oops:

luckily it is just a cúntylever box so no real damage, just some moisture ingress into a socket set :)
Heevnin ol.
Mostly damp here today. Spent the mornin fettlin a thirty year old Pashley ladies bike for a friend. Good solid build, nice joints, push rod brakes.... and shocking rust, a proper British bike :oops::rolleyes:
Paintin roun Ma's tomorrow, hope the rain holds oft.
@Hippo , please stop wif the Christmas stuff, is only just Otum! You'll be Paintin Easter eggs next! Delayed gratification m'lud..? :D
The stedy flow of rayn upped it's tempo 10 minutes ergo un it as kept it tup since. If yer taking yer tratter oot terday make sure yer gorra tarp wiv yer.
I've caught a bug while I was away on holiday.
I think it's just the start of a cold, but I don't like it when other people feel obliged to come in the office and start coughing and spluttering so I'll be selfish and stay at home until I know I'm not contagious.
99.9% of what I do can be done remotely anyway.
Good day today 2 cars and 2 trailers MOTed no issues.

Few things will be needed on the Slug before next year but not any real issue.

1 more trailer tomorrow:)

But wins today so all good:)


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