Saw this advertised on a horse box.
0DE2448A-BD49-4814-B6C5-A9AA6EB7E367.jpeg 4A2C4305-27F3-4EF8-9963-509B05A39C0F.jpeg
Eye binner busy ippo terday. Eye washed some more patio. Me buts be empty. Eye pulled at me plastic weldin un the melted tie wraps came oft. Melted but bit seems ok but won't be strong enuff ont its own. Eye also purra nuva stone fing under me first wara but so it's eyer tup as it's not got enough flow ter the next one when it fills.
Eyeiserwake un my hair filter ter get hair outer me wata before it's eaten by me jet washer be sat ere drying it's sealer
Yeeaah, what did the poor mutt do to you anyway? :)

He’s took chunks out the plastic handle on the mini sledge hammer(again the weekend)
I chucked him out to run next to the motor for the next few miles round the fields.
He then climbed into his crate & looked knackered.

Plus it’s holibobs from Wednesday.cant leave him alone in the house....:)

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