Finding life a bit tough at the mo, being nurse, carer, housekeeper, cook, shopper, car mechanic, taker and fetcher of quilting stuff, etc.

As the weather was good this weekend I didn't take any time off but spent it on and under cars. Not that it did much good.
Mate and I are discussing him possibly flogging his LR product to me as if not he thinks he'll sell it for parts. It's a running vehicle that needs a ABS sensor, or bearing, sorting out and it makes a bit of black smoke. Possibly via a turbo, or simply through lack of use.
80k on it, mostly driven on business by someone, I know little else of its history. Sorned at the moment with a flat batt, so although I had my Foxwell in the car, we didn't put it on it, which would have told us a lot more.
He keeps telling me it is a "straight six" but I don't think it can be as only RRs of the after 2020+ breed have these, I think it is a Disco 3 or 4 with therefore a dreaded V6 of the the "oh flip there goes the crank" variety.
He's a really good mate that I don't sadly see often enough. So I haven't questioned him too closely.
The issue with the gearbox is making me think a bit harder about it.
Before bed I have to sort out W's stoma bag with her then tidy up, a lot, do a dishwasher, wash a lot of stuff by hand.