and in other positive news....
I found the missing watch and watch strap.:rolleyes::)
Hiding in plain sight.
I was searching for other watch related stuff, (I have boxes and bags of old watches) and suddenly came across the new (second-hand) strap in a plastic bag, like it came from the seller. Not managed to find it before despite searching that box, It had somehow hidden itself behind a flap of cardboard.
So the box got emptied out onto the bed and there among them was the watch.
How the human mind works! I was convinced that I had been more careful with where I had put the watch as it is a decent one, but then the whole box contained watches much like this, only none were separated out or put in a lickle box of its own, which was what I was expecting.
New Year's Resolution, "stop presuming and assuming"!🤣🤣🤣
No wonder the army is gerrin tid. Playing who gets stuck. Gerrin um wet. And the clip of being towed darn hill. Embaraskin as pop eye wood say.


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