I thought you can have an insurance for a month in EU for holiday purposes. What stops you getting insurance while you're there or before you travel from the country registered insurers.

You can but the original poster would be in the EU longer than 30 days.
Well we still don't have a problem, SAGA covers us for as long as we want to be there and ditto recovery.
Maybe it matters which part of the EU we, or others, go to.
Which was why I tagged Stan as I know he has UK insurance cover for a longer period.

For a holiday it has got to be easier to organize it before departure especially if you don't know the country or what exactly you will need to do.

You can but the original poster would be in the EU longer than 30 days.

Which was why I tagged Stan as I know he has UK insurance cover for a longer period.

For a holiday it has got to be easier to organize it before departure especially if you don't know the country or what exactly you will need to do.

And while we are on this, he needs to organise his GHIC card and top up health insurance.
As Stan said , also good brake down cover .
As I also mentioned, the one that comes with his insurance should cover him for as long as he is abroad, most proper ones will cover you for 90 days. Getting the equivalent of RAC or AA cover may be more expensive.
Strangely, the one we have that covers us for as long as we care to be over there is actually run by the RAC.
I could quote prices but if the OP is not old enough for SAGA prolly little point. I don't think I have kept the paperwork going back pre retirement i.e. 10 years ago! When I was with Lancaster.
As a finale to earlier words of the year, I give you the Aussie Macquarie dictionary offering. As detailed, this covers many aspects of life in the UK...


noun Colloquial the gradual deterioration of a service or product brought about by a reduction in the quality of service provided, especially of an online platform, and as a consequence of profit-seeking.

A very basic Anglo-Saxon term wrapped in affixes which elevate it to being almost formal; almost respectable. This word captures what many of us feel is happening to the world and to so many aspects of our lives at the moment.’

The swear filter will probably catch the naughty bit.

Edit. It did.
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Woke to find W had had an email "reminding" us that I had an appontment at TLScontact in London for my Visa appointment.
This appointment having been cancelled after I was told to do so, and a refund promised, last Fridi, was a bit annoyed to find it said "You won't get a refund if you cancel".
So tried to log on, of course that didn't work as it never does.
So rang them. the woman said that it took 48 hours to answer emails but she would hurry them up.
So still playing a waiting game.
Their website seems to have the following protocol: "Only allow any punter to create a new account, fool them into thinking that they have a log on email and password, then never let that function, force them to set up a new account." So if you do not fill in all the forms correctly the first time and then make an appointment you will be stuffed. As that is more or less how it has been for the past 4 years.
They REALLY suck.
Is this one of those Brexit benefits, or is it just that the French are bureaucratically impaired?
Is this one of those Brexit benefits, or is it just that the French are bureaucratically impaired?
Nothing to do with the French. Their part in the business runs like clockwork. Including their website. But once you've filled in the online forms you then have to go to the TLScontact website to get an appointment to hand over your passport and other papwerwork.

TLScontact is Schengen zone group's organisation, it works for all the countries in the zone.

All they do is interview people who have already applied for a visa with a country's embassy or consulate. They take your passport and other paperwork, then pass it back to said country's embassy. Who then process it, stamp the visa into it and give it back to TLS who then let you know to come and pick it back up. Oh and TLS take your photo and digitise your finger prints.
The people who work there are really decent. they are efficient and helpful.

It is their computer system which totally sucks.

But yes it is down to Brexit because if we were still in the EU we could come and go as we pleased throughout the Schengen area.. No need for visas, long stay or otherwise.:(
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Morning All. :D
Papers got etc.
A shopping day. :(
Trying to fix the Boxford (not succeeding as yet). I think the shrieking is down to a lube failure.
The new T-Link belt refuses to play nicely and will not thread through the available tight little spaces it is meant to go. :(
More swearing later today I think.
Have a lovely day all. :D

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