My first interweb was dial up using freeserve. When reloading me phooter eye had to out in a floppy to upgrade the modem from 32 to 56k. One day at wuk me mate said he were moving to wanadoo. Freeserve changed to them but eye left freeserve to sign up seperate to wanadoo to get their email Eye had arf meg broadband. Then jumped to 3meg. Wanadoo moved to orange then ee. Eye were on the cheaper plans from orange. Eye would wait ferrem to upgrade me by default of switching oft the old kit. So always gottid cheaper deals. Jumped to 10meg. Stayed there fer years then moved to me Castle. Fink eye started on copper at 20 or 30meg or somefink like that. Could get much higher speeds but stayed onnit. Then 65/20meg when they moved me to fibre. Ain't worth more sovs fer speed ah dun't need. Will be 145/30meg next time the package renews. On plusnet. They cut the copper cable and purra fibre in frew the sky. So no landline. Dun't care about that. Smarty do me a sim fer 6sovs. Unlimited call/text and 6gig data.
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When eye compare wot me fone can do now, to what we had back in the late 90's, tis amazing. Dial up back then. We now have lightening speed interweb across the sky. Can watch telly on yer fone and open 3000 page freelander manwells anorl. Fone controls me heating and can log into wuk wivvit. Walk around while ont interweb. Connect it to me diagnostic fer ma beloved hippo. Its playing heart 80's radio int background while eye types this. Still gorra pentium 120meg fer running dos 6.22 ferra bdm programmer fing fer wuk.
i Still gorra pentium 120meg fer running dos 6.22 ferra bdm programmer fing fer wuk.
Pssßt youngest 🤣Reel to reel and terminal
Yer could try plusnet. They're the no frills section of bt.
It's time to create a hotmail account and move yer emails over there. It will take time. Then yer be free to move provider at a later date, rather than being locked in. Check to see if bt allow yer to keep the email address for a small fee, even if yer leave them.

I asked them that exact question & the answer sorry you loose the email addresses. :(
I will defo be changing my emails over. ta much :)

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