At least (I hope now) you have some heat.
If it works that’s great.
Not gonna say it but I am

, motorised valves should get signal/live to open/close when called? So I don’t really understand that bit.
But this time of year is not a happy time to be messing with it, if you and W are now warmer then good news.
Motorised valve is no longer connected electrically cos it warn't doin nuffin. The plug is no longer attached. The leaver that locks into position to keep both circuits open. So although water is passing through it the white lead and orange lead that should be connected to it are simply connected together. This means we can now switch the heating on via the programmer and the room stat in the hall governs when the boiler and the pump come on. And furthermore the programmer still governs all of the timing. I can physically turn the boiler to hi or lo, which I always had to do.
The hot water coming from the boiler flows around the coil in the tank and also round the rads, as the motorised valve is permanently open to both.
This works so well that we are tempted to leave it like this. The only thing is that the tank does get hotter than usual, but I could control that too by partially closing the gate valve in the circuit with the coil for the tank. I have yet to try that.
The thing is that we never use it for HW only anyway. and we never could isolate it to CH only, so we are totally no worse off in that respect.
I got rung up by the plumber last night. He is strongly now of the opinion that the motorised valve must be at fault. He tells me that other valves, like the Honeywell, are basically all the same so the wiring should be the same. Which is prolly true. But nonetheless, they now ask for a "HW off" wire which we don't have, so although there are 5 wires, of the same colours as the original, I am as yet not convinced that the internal wiring of the old valve is the same as the new one, or any other new one.
He also said that no on fits ones like it in new installations cos they don't work very well, new installs have two separate valves. He also said that how a three position valve works is like black magic to plumbers and they don't get involved!
Good news is that he is only going to charge us for the pump and its fitting. He is going to suck up the cost of the valve and its fitting as I guess a goodwill gesture plus he felt sorry for us being without heating for a fortnight.
We may look at all this again when the winter is over, when he will be less busy.
The sparks was there 2 1/2 hours so will be charging us £100 plus vat, so not too bad. Well, for where we live! He was a decent bloke and decent enough to listen without patronising and work with me rather than for me, if you know what I mean.