Bin to t'ospicle.
Borin lyin down listenin to scanner. For about narf a nour.
good thing doggies got me up as I glanced at the alarm clock, it was flashing, flipping power cut due to wind.
Which also tore the tarp which used to be over the Red Disco.

Pouring down with rain.
Noo neebs' youngest, plus boyfriend, came to ask me if they could borrow my trailer. they wanted to shift some sofas, something to do with new tenants moving in tomoz and an uncle with a van having let them down.
I thought about it and told them I'd have to drive the Disco and they'd need tarps and ratchet straps, (Has to be the car trailer the other one isn't accessible.)
I get changed for the weather, dig out the Dixon-Bate and wait for them to tell me they've got their end sorted out.
They came back and apparently mother had heard from them, saw that what they wanted to do wasn't entirely necessary, so it is off.
Enjoy the rest of the day!