Our Keas (alpine Parrots) are cheaky chappies.

On Saturday I drove up to Arthurs Pass to meet a campervan that needed some parts replaced on the heater. So took Mrs & Miss Grumpy and the mutt along for the ride up into the mountains.

While I sorted the camper, they walked into the village for a hot chocolate at the cafe - was a gorgeous day, but fookin cold up there. While Miss Grumpy was in buying the hot drinks Mrs Grumpy snapped this pic of a Kea sitting on the chairs.

Miss G came out and puts the hot chocolates down, as she does the Kea, quick as a flash, jumps over 2 tables, grabbed the packet of crisps she'd also bought and was away with it :D

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Are thay the birds that also like pulling out windscreen rubber ?
That must be Bob going to get more gravel 😯
Yeah, that’s a few of his Range Rovers queuing up for ballast. The others are currently being valeted by his squadrons of willing sex slaves while he counts his vast assets. He also has spare Discoverys which he uses for stashing works of art and other items he judges to be worthless.
... I forgot to say.
1st thing this morning I came down and opened the kitchen door to an overpowering stench of cat-poo. :(
Yup, Scratchy again. :mad: Now I really don't need all this as a start to my day and so her face fell into her own poop.
I got it all cleaned up from the floor turned round and one of the other cats (Alan) was asking for food.
I put food out for him and went to put away the things on the drainer.
While I was doing that I heard an unwelcome sound.....Having wolfed down all the food, he then threw it all straight back up over the kitchen floor. :mad:
More clean up.
I think I will go back to bed now and try again tomorrow.
Are thay the birds that also like pulling out windscreen rubber ?
Yeh, they'll nick and/or destroy anything.

One ripped open the spare tyre cover on the back of my Freelander 1 day.

They'll nick tea towel or clothes hanging up to dry at huts, or the shoe laces out of boots.

They love it, can't help themselves. Usually soft stuff, but not always...

Yeh, they'll nick and/or destroy anything.

One ripped open the spare tyre cover on the back of my Freelander 1 day.

They'll nick tea towel or clothes hanging up to dry at huts, or the shoe laces out of boots.

They love it, can't help themselves. Usually soft stuff, but not always...


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