Another clear night in Wrexham, two more farms to go :D
Eye wych awherri gid moanin ter orlme tratterer fiends .... hand ha nippoSnot wherry niece art syde, ber eye is sthil halyve hand kikkin
Avva nappi Fursdi wear heiffer yerziz hand worr heoffer yerziz adoow inof, coz tweak hends gerrin neerer hannitz Frydi termorrerz, hand eye mite avva lion hon Satdi furra chaynje.
(English transaltions are available for the hard of hearing)
Eye bint told erbout er film erbout er block er wood. Said film is silent or at least they dun't talk int it. Said wood be carried erbout int various activities int film. Eye bin told ter wotch it but eye can't remember the name of it.
The Plank. Starring Eric Sykes. A masterpiece. They also did one about a team of builders working on a new housing estate. Early 1960's I think.

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