I agree
The royals should share their wealth out helping the less fortunate amongst us, They have more than plenty and can't take it with them. They are not special just born into great wealth like some farmers I know who's land was originally taken from the poor people and shared out
Don't get me started :p

You've started you might as well finish......Oh wait maybe not lol
I agree
The royals should share their wealth out helping the less fortunate amongst us, They have more than plenty and can't take it with them. They are not special just born into great wealth like some farmers I know who's land was originally taken from the poor people and shared out
Don't get me started :p
One problem you will have with this is that there are people in the Uk who are richer than the royals so if the royals should start sharing out their wealth why shouldn't the others?
Sunaks wife for instance?
I think we all know that the richest people can afford to pay clever people to move their money around into offshore accounts so that the country they live in cannot force them to pay the taxes we all think they should.
A very clever friend of mine told me the other day that it has been calculated that 50% of all the world's wealth is in offshore accounts.
The Royals may well be stinking rich but I think we need to look at how responsibly they are using their money and is it for their own enjoyment or is it for the public good?
A lot of people would say that with their position and the pomp and ceremony that surrounds their lives they in fact bring in huge amounts of money to the country in tourist monies alone.
They do not have a private yacht, they do not have a private jet, so that makes them seem quite poverty stricken in comparison to many other moguls. They also open up their houses to peeps who want to pay to have a gander and Charlie is extending this. How many other really rich people do this?
There are other families who do not happen to be royal who have inherited massive amounts of money who do not get all this vitriol aimed at them.
Personally a/ I would not want to live their lives in a month of Sundays, and b/ I think they do the country and the people they deal with a lot of good. Far far more than other rich peeps. Who ever heard of the "Duke of Johnson award" or the "Rishi Sunak's Trust" .
And finally they are who they are. no one asked them to be born to who they were born to, they didn't have a lot of choice! .
Dunno what it is like chez vous but it is flipping hot over here. 33 degs today bit tough doing much especially if you are like me and sweat most from your head. Keeping stinging sweat out of my eyes is really boring.
You will prolly think " I wish" and I get that!!:):):)
Dunno what it is like chez vous but it is flipping hot over here. 33 degs today bit tough doing much especially if you are like me and sweat most from your head. Keeping stinging sweat out of my eyes is really boring.
You will prolly think " I wish" and I get that!!:):):)

You need one of these................ Yer its cats n dogs here now slap yourself with the racket 🤣
Then mop up the tears with the headband...

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