Been having some issues wif me motybike, decided to change the plug.
New plug 15 squids
Plug socket 9 squids (too bleedin fat)
Narrow wall plug socket, anuvver 9 squids
3/8 socket set (chinesium) to suit narrow wall socket 10 squids
Doozil used while nobbin about gerrin above, 5 squids

What a pavlova, would have taken even more nobbin but for the internet tellin me where stuff could be got from.

Have a nice Sunday folks, is wall to wall blue down ere. 😎
“Right, we’ve designed the bike, now where shall we hide the plugs?”
Too right matey. Forgot to mention seat and tank had to come oft anorl..
Some of them are a real peach. Seat, tank, slacken the coil, fight yer way through the secondary air hoses, move the thermostat, narrow wall plug socket, short extension, check there’s nort to fall down the recess and then gingerly lift the thing out. And that’s just some tricked-up 125. Who thinks this nonsense up?
Moring all a bloody cat has walked over my concrete & left feet prints on it, not sure if I can wet it & re-float it them out or
wait till its dry & fill em in. I wanted to board up the garage so nowt went in for this reason n my mate said a cat wont make
much of a print in it. Must have been a fat cat. 🤣 🤣
Concrete in the garage floor has just been floated, it looks good pics to follow. :cool::cool:
PLEASE tell us a lickle hanimal walked across it afore it set!!!
(Kev looking at it afterwards, once it's gone hard.)
:mad:" Dooh! A deer! A female deer. ......."


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