Oh no thats terrible, im so sorry. :(:( I go to the hospital called the Beatson in Glasgow I dread going as there are so
many poor souls suffering, young & old. Ive watched people going in for the first time & getting bad news n others coming
out beaming faces. Its heart-breaking to say the least. I didnt realise that Cancer actually effects most people around us &
we dont see it.
Sympathise. Can't be fun for you.
I've been through it with W ages ago, two ops for breast cancer. She couldn't take chemo so was very lucky to get away with it. It was a particularly virulent kind.
As you say it affects so many people.
He is still being extremely brave about it all.
Sympathise. Can't be fun for you.
I've been through it with W ages ago, two ops for breast cancer. She couldn't take chemo so was very lucky to get away with it. It was a particularly virulent kind.
As you say it affects so many people.
He is still being extremely brave about it all.

The lass next door has stage 4 C & she's not old, she's has a few opps an loads of chemo plus other treatments & she says
she not taking anymore of the treatment as its too much & would rather take her chances and have a better quality of life
without going through the after effects of the treatments. Its the most painful horrible thing ive ever experienced & im a
strong lad so I know what shes been through. Brave on the outside, scared on inside more like its terrifying.
Was it the mice damage before or after you stashed it in the shed though?

It’s gone now so don’t matter, sometimes “us” who keep “useful” stuff need to stop and just Chuck it out;).

You did see the karma in the middle of the nest material? The white packet of poison it had dragged into it and then eaten?
I was amazed it didn't just eat it where it was!
Trouble is a lot of rodents get used to them.
Most recent mouse deaths were due to falling into a watering can, (two off) when we were away. (Whether it had water in at the time or not we aren't sure,) and getting into the hen shed, where they did the biz!
I'll have to see if we can get this in Fland.
What is the main ingredient please and it's quantity/percentage/whatever,please?
Put me hanging basket 5 hooks higher around me burd feeder to stop the medium burds hanging oft it. Then they sat on the rim to poke inside. Eye has just added some more tie wraps around the feederer base to keep them from pecking inside. 3 black thin fings were all over it. Norranymore. Little burds came back wivvin 4 minutes. They were bullied away before this. Will keep yer tup dated.
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OK sports fans, here's how we roll today.

First part took 4 attempts and many days to get a successful part.
The second one has taken < 1 day because of errr.... Learnings.

That's all I am going to make for now. :)
A second carbide bit "died" in the process. :( Luckily it was the cheaper 5mm one that is ages old.
The worst part about making these is the 12mm through-bore, it is real "squeaky-bum" time.
Making these with 20mm 4mm walled precision tube would be easier but that tube it pretty expensive.

But there we go, all finished.

Today's big whinge. First pic, top left, two royal appointments. Bottom right, Union Jack and says UK manufacturer. Second pic, bottom right in tiny print - made in China.
I hate that this is also going on in car parts in what used to be regarded as top quality branded manufacturers packaging. And same for power tools.
Rant over for now :mad:

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