Bloody 17mm impact socket so it wasn't light. However then pain had gone until then. They aren't nice when they hit are they, Mr WL said it was a good thud.
I was having a right mare with it. Bottom bolt needed a quarter socket from above and all I had was a half inch from below, one click at a time.
Kept falling off and I was so miffed I didn't notice till later..
Well today ended up being like Sunday, weatherwise. So could have done outside stuff, but didn't.
Resolved to examine the weather forecast first thing every morning before making decisions. It just cannot be trusted.
New neighbour, the one wiv de 'oss came by today and immediately offered to help me with the roof, which will be nice seeing as how the "too cheap to be true" hoist has turned out to deffo be a scam.
Sleep well folks!
:) :) :)
No you must forget when you are young that doesn't happen.

Had a lovely wee walk I do like walking whilst watching the commuters on a Monday morning.
Bit blowy today but can't hang washing as the rain is a bit heavy. Should be having my rear subframe getting delivered today. All day wait in so feet up it is.

Have a good day folks.

Some nice pics inbound then. ;)
Dry at least :)
Selling my trailer, whats it worth, was thinkin 500 ?
Cuttin grass today
Stay warm all 🙂


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Morning all.
W bashing my ear and brain before I have even finished my brekfus. :mad: :mad:
The gardener we thought we engaged before coming away has let us down so the grass hasn't been cut since we left.:mad:
Another who agreed to come and have a look, (which now of course means bothering our relations to do it too) hasn't responded to a few other pms on Nextdoor.:mad:
It is driving us round the bend. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:. But at least I have persuaded her to do a bit more and hopefully better, research.

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