French property law is a bastid, should have had a notaires run an eye over it ...
There is a legal step-by-step guide to producing a foolproof one so I doubt we'll go to the ridiculous expense of doing that.
At first I thought it would be necessary, but the one I am producing is better than the ones I was given as examples, i.e. that had actually been used by peeps round here, they had bits missing.
As they are time limited and have te be renewed every year there is no risk that I can see.
Also notaires have been known to cock them up anyway. I don't want some notaire ramming the wrong thing into my face and swearing blind that it's right and we can't have anything else etc, etc.
But you are right about how harsh property law can be and how it always seems to be in favour of the farmer or the inheritees etc.
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I ain't got a clue! I only know, or now I must say knew, about the origins, insertions, names and uses of all the muscles in the human body because of my intensive training in Physical Education way back in the early 1960's. :eek:
Well me being me I had of course to go and look it up.
You are right of course, both come from the Latin "sartor".
I normally get cramp in my calfs for some reason or sometimes my toes & they stick outside ways of thats how it feels.

The last time I got cramp in my left calf it made my leg shoot up & pulled the quilt right off the misses
oh how pleases was she, nope no pleases was given 🤣
I never, or only very extremely rarely, get cramp. But since I had that Astra-Zeneca injection and got thrombosis in that leg, I get it quite a lot. In the left calf, which was where it swelled up. The doc explained I would get it as the thrombosis permanently damaged the little valves in my veins or arteries, forget which.

I've known how to decramp people since my schooldays as we all played sport like mad and kids would get it in their sleep in the dorm, so one of use would go and stretch his leg till it went away. I even did it last year for a French friend of mine who had never had anyone do it for him before!
W gets it a lot and has to take quinine for it, (yes another thing our French doctor disapproves of) this ever since she lost all feeling in her left foot. So I have to do it for her regularly.
So the cure is simple although a little painful, Get your missus (or someone) to put one hand under the heel and then push like mad on the toe area/front of the foot, to stretch it while the knee is locked. and keep going beyond when you think it is done or it'll come back immediately!

(Doctor Bob!)
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Did seriously consider those but decided to go a different route. Pity cause I do like those on a truck
Mine were cheaper though, used an old mower track rod and a bit of angle sliced in half, mirrors off my old motorbikes so cost very little :)
I too was thinking of summat like a good old Defender or Series rectangular mirror, you can see sooo much more in them than you can in a Disco one.
Better get back on the fencing!
I am going to the other side of the treeline for a bit, so in the p.m. I'll be smack in the sun. Only a couple of days left before it rains for a week so really want to get this done.
Normally we go shopping on thrus a.m. so have decided to do that leter today.
Got up to just under 30 degs in the shade by the end of the arvo yessdi. So yes we did get very hot.
See yez!

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