Got an email from Octopus telling us what marvelous people we are for getting involved in "Saving sessions" apparently we did 10 in a row, and got into the top 20% of savers, earning ourselves a whopping (wait for it.......) £8.50 in the process.

Which is hilarious as all I ever did was click on the "two clicks and you're in" thing to reg for it! Don't think we ever did much consciously to reduce our consumption, maybe avoided putting the diswasher on.

Total bolleaux. How do they get away with this propaganda!? :stars:
They will have measured yer average usage at that time and seen yer use less so its not made up or propperganda.
Scorching today

Its still light outside well here anyways.
We is an hour ahead don't forget. Anyways I emailed a mate before going to bed and to read.
Storm came soon after. Not too close.
It rained a lot last night but it is now sunny-ish.
We now have to clip the wings of our hens as one of them decided to fly out and perch on the top of our rsapberry cage, which is higher than any other hen has ever got to before! Noticed it when I went to lock the hens safely in their hut last night! I looked around for number 4, could hear her clucking looked up and she launched herself straight at me! about 20 feet away! I jumped to one side, then picked her up and put her in the hut. I thing she gave herself a fright.
W is currently following the Ringwood Auction ont internet, so I have just bought her burpday present, an Art Deco white gold and diamond ring. Well paid most of it! Thye must love her as they agreed to keep her purchases in the safe until we get back!

If it stays nice I'll get a ladder out and scope out the guttering that seems to be almost making water all over the outside of the kitchen. Flipping galvy stuff. rubbish!

Have a nice day folks!!:):):)

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