Fur enough. "Sticks like s***" it is then!!!;)🤣🤣🤣

Only joking!

I'm now wondering how you fit the front of the side panels on. Or "deco" panels as we say in the trade!!!🤣🤣🤣
Does you just screw through at 45 degs from the top and the bottom where it is difficult to see hidden behind the pelmet and cornice? And use right angle brackets to the back in the void?

Gettin intrigued now!;)

Dowls n sikaflex or as you say pocket hole em so you dont see them. :) Not used any angle brackets but I might do for extra
support for the wall cupboards.
What really poops me and W off is all their ads about "You'll be insured against accidents with uninsured drivers".


What they don't say is that if said scrote then hightails it and cannot be caught, you get stung under your comprehensive policy.
You do not get any favours with hit and run drivers.
This happened to W and it turned out in the end cheaper for us to pay for the repair than involve the IC.
in the UK, you can claim from the M.I.B ...

I missed the cubby box not sure ive seen one, trying to remember if my dads D1 had one fitted. He got a D1 out the dealership
& wouldnt let me drive it. 🤣 🤣
My D1s are both much later, like right at the end of the run, so the cubby boxes are very similar to the one in the Disco 2.
I'm pretty sure they all had one although didn't the early ones have some sort of a "fashion" box with a Jasper Conran handbag or summat?

Can't say I really follow these things but this does ring a bell.

Didn't your da ever let you drive it at all? Mind you. Finkin about it, you'd still have been quite young then wouldn't you? Or would you? Can't remember how much younger you are than me but get the feeling it's about 20 years.:):)
Dowls n sikaflex or as you say pocket hole em so you dont see them. :) Not used any angle brackets but I might do for extra
support for the wall cupboards.
I always put angle brackets on the bottom then tile over them. Or I fit the tiles so tight under them they act as support as well. In fact thinking about it I guess I do both. But dowels is very good!
I have in the past said to myself that I would put a bit of filler in the holes then touch them in, white, but mostly don't get around to it. The ones inside the cupboard I mean. The horizontal surfaces always have something on them to stop the crockery marking it and the glasses from coming to harm, so the bottom surface of the cupboard, it don't matter too much what it looks like!
My D1s are both much later, like right at the end of the run, so the cubby boxes are very similar to the one in the Disco 2.
I'm pretty sure they all had one although didn't the early ones have some sort of a "fashion" box with a Jasper Conran handbag or summat?

Can't say I really follow these things but this does ring a bell.

Didn't your da ever let you drive it at all? Mind you. Finkin about it, you'd still have been quite young then wouldn't you? Or would you? Can't remember how much younger you are than me but get the feeling it's about 20 years.:):)

I was too young to have a driving licence but I was driving at 11/12, I use to drive his black cabs & the clutches
were always solid so he taught me to shift with the revs 🤣🤣

Yer Ive seen a few of the bags for sale usually about 50/100 quid.
So someone got it for £5100.
Well done them!
Was it you???!!!

Not me I was at work when it finished, no point me having it as id butcher it. Ive considered the project in the for sale section
but im not quite ready for another bigish project atm. Im sure I could have it welded within a week or 2 if I was left alone to get on with it. The last weldathon took me a month start to finish & that was major surgery.

Ive been keeping an eye out for another disco if someone wants to donate one. 🤣🤣
I always put angle brackets on the bottom then tile over them. Or I fit the tiles so tight under them they act as support as well. In fact thinking about it I guess I do both. But dowels is very good!
I have in the past said to myself that I would put a bit of filler in the holes then touch them in, white, but mostly don't get around to it. The ones inside the cupboard I mean. The horizontal surfaces always have something on them to stop the crockery marking it and the glasses from coming to harm, so the bottom surface of the cupboard, it don't matter too much what it looks like!

What do you put on it to stop the surfaces to stop them getting tarnished.
Ive ordered the misses a noo set of pots she doesnt know yet hope she likes em
Beghoff if thats how ye spell it.....

What do you put on it to stop the surfaces to stop them getting tarnished.
Ive ordered the misses a noo set of pots she doesnt know yet hope she likes em
Beghoff if thats how ye spell it.....

View attachment 317018
Wow, very racy!
And they say romance is dead!!!!:):):):)
Finishes nowadays are so different to the ones on trad copper pans like I and @derwendolly have been talking about.
I'm sure they will come with "care instructions" so I'd follow them to the letter as I expect they'll have some tough lacquer or summat on them. But it not, then as i posted earlier, ornery cooking oil then polish em up like mad.

I'll do a bit of digging, it might be Berghoff" although wassn't that the name of Adolf'd mountain retreat?!:eek:
What do you put on it to stop the surfaces to stop them getting tarnished.
Ive ordered the misses a noo set of pots she doesnt know yet hope she likes em
Beghoff if thats how ye spell it.....

View attachment 317018
Here's a link to a thing I found on keeping them clean and shiny.
It looks as if some special copper polish is the thing, or, like I said, wash them up then polish them with cooking oil.
I know @derwendolly puts hers in the dishwasher though.

I think you may have to live with the fact that the brand new shine doesn't last long.

Here's a link to a thing I found on keeping them clean and shiny.
It looks as if some special copper polish is the thing, or, like I said, wash them up then polish them with cooking oil.
I know @derwendolly puts hers in the dishwasher though.

I think you may have to live with the fact that the brand new shine doesn't last long.

No matter if they lose there shine I like the used battered burnt look 🤣 🤣

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