Me n my mate removed more of the foam from under the floor of the boat, the galley floor/foam is all out thats the easy bit done.
Next part is remove the fuel tank so some wood butchering is on the cards as its quite a big tank, it looks like the foam goes
under the section which the tank sits on so it all needs to go unless I can sharpen a pipe & make a hole all the way through to
the engine bulkhead (so if any water is under the floor it can run to the back and get pumped out via the bilge pump.
Pics to follow once I de-clutter my phone.
I use a bit of pipe for cutting holes some times just cut some points into it and set them like a saw and it will go through the foam no bother, sounds like a lot less work than tanks out
Me n my mate removed more of the foam from under the floor of the boat, the galley floor/foam is all out thats the easy bit done.
Next part is remove the fuel tank so some wood butchering is on the cards as its quite a big tank, it looks like the foam goes
under the section which the tank sits on so it all needs to go unless I can sharpen a pipe & make a hole all the way through to
the engine bulkhead (so if any water is under the floor it can run to the back and get pumped out via the bilge pump.
Pics to follow once I de-clutter my phone.
Not being a boatist, would you mind telling the uninitiated what the heck the point was of the foam in the first place?
Heat insulation?
Sound insulation?
Cos it sounds like poop if it gets wet in, guess what, a boat! 🤣
Yessdi having bored myself poopless looking at noo dishwashers. (My stars there is a massive range isn't there? Yes there flipping is!!!) and seeing just how many "shops" don't even sell their own gear, gave up in disgust.

so told W I was going to give the old un a bit more of a "go". so I took the control panel off just to see if there was anything obvs wrong, disconnected all the electrical connections to check them for corrosion, couldn't see any in fact the whole thing looked very good, put it all back together.

Then loaded it with a load of stuff, checked the temp if the water in the domestic tank, which was lowish due to no sun for the past 4 days.

Put the "immersion" on to get it up to a point where it would do a wash of a sort, if it decided to play ball. Put it on a 50 degs cycle and listened to it while we both cleared up a bit and prepped dins. every time it paused and went silent my heart dropped but.......

:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: It worked!!!

So flip knows what is going on, but quite chuffed, will put the face panel back on and if it continues to work will finally buy the heating element it has needed for years!
Have a good day folks!!:):):):)
(Step) Son's Prius.
Wot a thing!
He took it for MOT ("Controle Technique" to be technique about it!) last year.
The day after, despite it being parked in a very out of the way place, he had the cat nicked. :mad::mad::mad:, so he got an aftermarket one, as an OE one would cost more than the value of the car.

This year he took it for CT and it failed, on the cat. He talked to the tester who, for €20 switched the warning light off and gave him a pass. It turns out that for some reason it'll only pass if a genuine Toyota one is fitted. Or that is what he told son.

He is convinced the tester was in on the theft, just too many coincidences. :mad::mad::mad:

As for all this business about "Crit'Air" certificates and the legalities of driving around in Paris, (they live in St Germain -en-Laye, so on the outskirts) he doesn't even think about it and says no one he knows does either. Yet I have got these stickers for both our vehicles. Mug or what? Obvs the Prius would pass anyway, but his camping car?
Just googled it, they'll be installing new "radars" which will use NPR this year.
And for a bit of a laugh...

According to W who follws this poop.......
It appears peeps have been surveyed at to whether they would buy Megan 🤮Markle's noo jam. 1% "yes", 1% "don't know", 98% NO!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

And apparently someone has bought the same domain name as she uses for her Merkin website, in the UK, so she can't use it over here!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Sorry, but I cannot stand the cow.🤮

And the burd who did it is a fan of Kate's and has put it up to direct people towards a page fundraising for UK food banks.

God yes I must be bored. (Actooly just avoiding going shopping!)
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