Afternoon folks :).

Clear and sunny here too showing 25😅.
Ms been mowing again and I have been in the pit fixing the side step on the 322.

You knows those things that when you put in a shopping basket and you get a remark like "why do you want that, half of its missing" Well that's why its cheap;).
So Its only been sitting on the shelf in the garage for a year, Was I glad of it today:). Small 90degree air drill, missing out of the box was the chuck key and the airline fitting but the sale price was 50% off:). Had to sacrifice 2 drill bits to the grinder to make them stubbies, only had 5inches space to get it in straight.
Worked a treat and drill me oles and inserted rivinut, had to use the manual method of squishing them as no space to get the tool in.
All good now so M can now use it as a step, I will continue to clean it with the back of my trouser leg;).
So I have earnt the glass of beer that I have in front of me now.

Have 2 beers you deserve it I would join you but have run out W said get 2 creates but I said 1 would be ample will keep my mouth shut next time 👍👍👍
Have 2 beers you deserve it I would join you but have run out W said get 2 creates but I said 1 would be ample will keep my mouth shut next time 👍👍👍
Thats a mistake you wont make twice :oops:.
M buys my beer in 6 bottle packs from the wholesaler's 6 packs at a time, mind they are 2-2.3 liter bottles. So never short of beer here👍.
Well you never know when company might turn up do you, That's my excuse and I am sticking to it:).

I've been looking at this on fleabay
Too expensive for me but I like it
Gottid brown spots on me nooker table sheet after washing it in me washing machine. Web ses eye need to buy some washing machine cleaner and run a cycle wivvit in, and no clothes. Do you clean your washing machines like this?
Yes you can, clean the filter out at the bottom. Run a 90°c empty chuck some soda crystals in the drum and believe it or not a dishwasher tablet cleans it fab. If not Dettol do a fab washing machine cleaner. Issue with machines is everyone uses liquid and 30°c washes which clog and dirty up the pipes. Where the powder would help clean the machine on each use too.
If yer gerra focused sized more modern fing it will do a lot betterer on mpg.
That focus was an 05 cost me ÂĢ1500 in 5 years of ownership I did the tyres & battery(don't class that as work) but had to buy a coil and shock absorber. Did fab in the Highlands when the snow came down too. Reason it went was the corrosion underneath that would have cost 2k and no guarantee it would pass an Mot.
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Operation mdf was a success. Eye spottied 14 sheets gone ont web. Built me ladder frame fing. Then realised it were ten to free. Raced to get me roof rack and ladder fing on ma hippo. Went the 50mph way as eye were laterer than planned. Surprisingly quiet. Fort the wind would fight it more. Got to bnq wiv 25 mins left. Stack of mdf were 2 pallets high. 44 sheets on a new pallet. About 10 gone. Mine felt smooth and not bent when tested. Shop man walked past and offered to lift it down wiv me. Went and got some 44x44x3000 square edge and a 3m lenf of fing to go at the bottom of the fence panel eye fixed. Need it to be 9 foot. Bort a sheet carrying fing anorl. Was going to make me own but too late. Gerrin the 8x4 sheet on ma hippo was dangerous. Eye lifted the bottom edge up and it fell onto im. Timber on top and secured. Tratter slow drive home. Naybor over the road seen it and helped me lift the big sheet down. Gorrit in me hall by going frew the back and kitchen to save moving boxes around. Slid it behind them against the internal wall. Eye is well appy. It still be flat. Slight edge damage wivvit sat ont trolley but that be easily solved.
If yer gerra focused sized more modern fing it will do a lot betterer on mpg.
There's a 1L focus that will do 60mpg. The petrols ain't too good on the biggerer engines. Simular size pug 3008 will do over 50 on a run. Same for focus sized cars wiv a 1.3 petrol 8 speed auto. Like audi a1 fink it was. Volvo fing same size did simular. 3k miles is about 350 sovs at 1.5 sov per L. All tested when visiting the haggus munchers.
Gottid brown spots on me nooker table sheet after washing it in me washing machine. Web ses eye need to buy some washing machine cleaner and run a cycle wivvit in, and no clothes. Do you clean your washing machines like this?
I pour half a gallon or so of well diluted domestos into the drum, leave it for half an hour and then put it on a rinse programme. Add a bit more bleach into the drawer thing as the water is filling on the first cycle.

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