Nope sorry the one fitted is brand new, the dishy I chucked oot was in the out house with the washing machine & tumble dryer.
It was rusty inside but looked new outside. So I crushed it with the grab in the work.
Tbh id get rid of the dishwasher for a nice younger model.

(shhh or I'llbe getting it)

Thanks for that! I wouldn't have wanted a rusty one though!!
Just spent quite a while struggling like flip to get the one we've had in the shed into the house.
I first off had to get peteroil, for the weedwhacker/mulcher so I could cut a path to the shed. That took over an hour as I first had to get the key to the poly tunnel back off the neeb as W wanted to work in there today to get it ready for the plants she'll be buying Tomoz.
I used it to do most of the car parking area first, the weeds/grass was all wet so it kept stalling even on highest setting.
Once got to shed I set about clearing the nettles away from where the rotary clothes lines goes into its hole, and from all around the front of the shed, it is a right quagmire with the rain etc making oodles of mud.
Then emptied about a ton of tat to be able to get to the DW: three barrows, genny, loads of oil containers, piles of wood, a mini scaffold frame, a heavy, mini, folding shed in a box that has been waiting years for me to put up, etc, etc.
Located the DW and was pleasantly surprised that it is a Bosch so now more hopeful it might actually run!
Neebs' sack truck, bless them, is a reet good un with a long base that I was able to manouevre the DW onto without having to tie it on or owt.
So reloaded all the tat back into the shed, in the interim giving W a couple of bits of wood that she is going to want me to use to mend summat gardeningish, a raised bed I think. All the time it threatened to rain again.
Then shoved the DW back to the house which is about 50 metres or so, luckily the wheels didn't sink into the mud!
So having a break before trying to plumb it in and see if it works.
Have a good afternoon all!