Going to get the lying surveyor back and ask him why he told me that it would all be done, ceiling skimmed etc when all they intended to do was go over the last job that was done to put it right.
No communication between surveyors and the people that decide on work to be done, can't understand why it's taken nearly seven months to get to this stage. Couldn't make it up :(
Its stupid a decent plasterer and mate would have that all done in a day and cost them less in the long run.:mad:
Its stupid a decent plasterer and mate would have that all done in a day and cost them less in the long run.:mad:
Problem is that each time they come and do a bit then make an excuse to leave it is a different job, so now I'll have to wait a few weeks while a new job is raised and approved and costed etc before they return to do a bit more
Then of course the man who arrives wont have permission to do it all so then another job will have to be raised etc etc
Yup, sorted Dad, back home to Granddaughter who stayed overnight with her Mum ...

Well Mum went to a pals birthday party ... and munchkin and I had fun ..

That's brilliant to hear. Scraped the car this morning to go see the swans and ducks. Did you two get up to much trouble?

Nah, just the usual baking bikkies and sorting lunch ...
Lathe is all back together and is "sweet as"..... :D The missing RPM's have returned now a new smaller and non-slipping belt is on.
Control-box built as per Brian's picture (plagiarism is flattery really....Honest!).
Mine is less profeshernul than wot Brian's is. Mainly because I is dull-witted and I done has fingers like cow's teats. ;)
Also, my drill wandered when cutting the holes out.
I need to determine where to site it, I don't fancy reaching "over" the spinning bits in an emergency.
All mini-lathes have the Emergency stop right on top of the headstock and they put their electronics inside it quite often.

Lathe is all back together and is "sweet as"..... :D The missing RPM's have returned now a new smaller and non-slipping belt is on.
Control-box built as per Brian's picture (plagiarism is flattery really....Honest!).
Mine is less profeshernul than wot Brian's is. Mainly because I is dull-witted and I done has fingers like cow's teats. ;)
Also, my drill wandered when cutting the holes out.
I need to determine where to site it, I don't fancy reaching "over" the spinning bits in an emergency.
All mini-lathes have the Emergency stop right on top of the headstock and they put their electronics inside it quite often.

That looks fab! Can't wait to see what you make
Lathe is all back together and is "sweet as"..... :D The missing RPM's have returned now a new smaller and non-slipping belt is on.
Control-box built as per Brian's picture (plagiarism is flattery really....Honest!).
Mine is less profeshernul than wot Brian's is. Mainly because I is dull-witted and I done has fingers like cow's teats. ;)
Also, my drill wandered when cutting the holes out.
I need to determine where to site it, I don't fancy reaching "over" the spinning bits in an emergency.
All mini-lathes have the Emergency stop right on top of the headstock and they put their electronics inside it quite often.

When I was in school, the lathes had a big red button on the floor you could stamp on to stop them. You could put a big red button on the floor with - β€˜Do Not Press’ on it.
Lathe is all back together and is "sweet as"..... :D The missing RPM's have returned now a new smaller and non-slipping belt is on.
Control-box built as per Brian's picture (plagiarism is flattery really....Honest!).
Mine is less profeshernul than wot Brian's is. Mainly because I is dull-witted and I done has fingers like cow's teats. ;)
Also, my drill wandered when cutting the holes out.
I need to determine where to site it, I don't fancy reaching "over" the spinning bits in an emergency.
All mini-lathes have the Emergency stop right on top of the headstock and they put their electronics inside it quite often.

Superb job Dan πŸ‘
I see a new structure has gone up near my place in Wales:

That's happened quickly. It wasn't there four weeks ago. It says Vodafone on the gate, but it doesn't seem to be in operation because there wasn't a mobile phone signal in evidence on the iPhone when I was taking the picture. The concrete plinth has bits of plastic conduit sticking out of it with blue plastic rope in them. So maybe it is yet to be wired up. There's a generator running though:
Somebody must have to come and put fuel in it, but there's no sign of fresh wheel marks in the ground. All the mud is looking very smooth from the last heavy rain which is a few days ago now. That gravel area to the right of the generator housing only extends as far as the enclosure round the tower, so to get there one would have to drive over the grass. No wonder mobile telephony is so expensive in this country.

I also spotted an interesting swirly pattern of silt in one of the puddles on a track nearby, that looked like a wiggly worm:

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