I have a Casio Skymaster it is an "eco-drive" it has a tiny solar panel that charges a capacitor which runs the watch.Did a bit of playing around with watches this evening.
Got one out that I bought in a job lot in an auction a couple of years back.
Unusually it is batt powered, normally I don't do anything with them, preferring mechanical, oreferably autos, but this one has a 10 year batt and is running fine.
The nice bloke at Casio gave me a link to a PDF manual.
So now it tells the time both analogue and digital, the latter around the world. Timer, 24 hour stopwatch, alarms all working. I could even load it up with phone numbers if I could be assed.
Never been worn, obvs the lot came from a shop closing down., so many are like that.
Quite chuffed really although it isn't my style.
The lot cost me £20 plus commission.
This watch new, £50.
(Yes, I was surprised at the price too! Feel a bit @kevstar -ish! 'cept it wasn't free!)
Sleep tight folks!
Just a touch of frost 'ere but we have been promised more overnight tonight.Morning All.
Another frosty start today.
Off for the paper in mo.
See you later, have a good day.
Yes it was and a lot of people still called in Frys. My parents moved there in 1973 as we lived in Bath and they both worked in Bristol so they got fed up of two traffic jams every day in both directions.But was that fry’s first??
Nothing better than taking the fun out of the kids from dame Elizabeth school who had to wear brown(about 2miles from Cadbury bournville)
Good on you. 23 years is fab for a battery.I have a Casio Skymaster it is an "eco-drive" it has a tiny solar panel that charges a capacitor which runs the watch.
If it sees insufficient light then it freezes all watch-hand movement but keeps the time going in memory. As soon as it gets sufficient light it gallops along setting the hands to the correct time. I have had it for 23 years now and it is still going.
My eyesight is too poor to read much of the digital stuff on the display but the analog hands are good enough.
Place I'm working, the bloke who put it up put the date on the wall.. 1963Sun out here an all
Just stripped the3040year old paper off the bathroom walls
They can go for good money. But, as usual they need to be pristine, to fetch really big bucks, maybe up to £300.Ere Stan @Stanleysteamer , I've picked up a Graves English lever silver pocket watch. Is in good nick but don't go.
Wotcha fink, is it worth looking at repairing?
Yerp I just read my book and let her got on with it. didn't say anything until safely walking to the house!@Stanleysteamer
I know that driving feeling and have learnt to STFU
Hope fingers and fumbs feel better soon.
I actually think that makes a huge diff .Guess she has the sterring wheel to hang on to.
Could be the reason for the bad back wouldn't help itYerp I just read my book and let her got on with it. didn't say anything until safely walking to the house!
The funny thing is she has real back problems so I drive round potholes and over sleeping policemen REALLY slowly to not hurt it!
Guess she has the sterring wheel to hang on to.
Wish I did!!
Get that seen to dont take long for it to turn nastyGot infection in my thumb, cut it last week now its very sore, has a small green patch and redness where it's swelled
Tried to do a bit outside but it's -3 so going to leave it for now
Got infection in my thumb, cut it last week now its very sore,
but it's -3 so going to leave it for now