Hacking off not going well, nearly two hours in now, bigger job than the lad was told so won't be done today, not enough boarding supplied for job so will have to do what he can and then re book it, that'll be six weeks wait then, flippin councils couldn't organise a brewery trip 😡
I hadn't realised this was being done through a local authority. That's one of the reasons why it costs them so much to maintain their housing stock.

Incidentally, it looks like an interesting partition wall you've got there. Is it hollow clay blocks with ridges embossed on the outside?
I hadn't realised this was being done through a local authority. That's one of the reasons why it costs them so much to maintain their housing stock.

Incidentally, it looks like an interesting partition wall you;ve got there. Is it hollow clay blocks with ridges embossed on the outside?
Yes and the blocks are very brittle, hollow and difficult to drill a clean hole they splinter.
Bungalow built in1950's
Yes and the blocks are very brittle, hollow and difficult to drill a clean hole they splinter.
Bungalow built in1950's
Those sorts of things seem to have flourished briefly in this country round about the middle of the last century but didn't really catch on long term. On le continent by contrast, they're everywhere and people are still using them today.

I've found the problem with stripping plaster or render off them that the render is a lot stronger than the clay blocks, if there was a lot of cement in the mix, so it's easy to break them.
Those sorts of things seem to have flourished briefly in this country round about the middle of the last century but didn't really catch on long term. On le continent by contrast, they're everywhere and people are still using them today.

I've found the problem with stripping plaster or render off them that the render is a lot stronger than the clay blocks, if there was a lot of cement in the mix, so it's easy to break them.
The lad is struggling with a bolster chisel, he's sent for a drill of some sort so job stopped again
On the bright side my Jawa just fired up no problem after a while parked up, nipping out for a ride tomorrow :)
Afternoon folks :).

Need to renew my drivers licence again, doin it on line :cool:
Well you are lucky.
We spent yesterday in the big town, in a hospital getting checked for our driving license renewal. Well not exactly checked but walk around 6 different docs offices to pay £5 for a rubber stamp so he could check we can stand and wait outside for a while. The only 1 that actual did anything was the eye doc, and the last doc who took our BP then charged us £15 to finalize the certificate.
So that was a whole day.
Today was back to big town. to submit said docs and fill in some more before being rubber stamped and told to come back in 30days, for that I paid £5 cos I is an oldie;) Ms was £10.

The reason is because we want to keep all our large vehicle categories. If we only went for the basic cats we would have only had to visit 3 or 4 docs, but believe our local doc could have done that for us, but his rubber stamp is not good enough for all.

Oh and its 5 yearly cos of the cats, So for all those that can sit at home and fill a form in online, I dream of those days, but they are coming I do believe/hope.
Well they are cos we can actually "ping " plastic these days where before it was strictly cash only.

But apart from that the suns been out for 2 days now and we are actually debating weather to light the fire, Suns going down and its starting to lower the temp so it will probably be a yes.

Just taken the Christmas decorations down. It's 12th night (well, I know some people count it as the 6th, but the 5th seems to be one of the possibilities too). Probably just as well, because the cats were starting to tamper with the ornaments. As I was working at my desk this morning I kept hearing the 'ting' of baubles being knocked off the tree onto the floor. All safely stowed in the attic for next year.
Those sorts of things seem to have flourished briefly in this country round about the middle of the last century but didn't really catch on long term. On le continent by contrast, they're everywhere and people are still using them today.

I've found the problem with stripping plaster or render off them that the render is a lot stronger than the clay blocks, if there was a lot of cement in the mix, so it's easy to break them.
We have them here.
Thankfully they are only in the upstairs rooms (we built up a bit).
But yes I will agree they are a PITA.

Hacking off not going well, nearly two hours in now, bigger job than the lad was told so won't be done today, not enough boarding supplied for job so will have to do what he can and then re book it, that'll be six weeks wait then, flippin councils couldn't organise a brewery trip 😡

Why does he not have enough board?
So now you are about to tell me hes going to stick plasterboard to the wall :vb-groan2:
Render and plaster came off, that's what should go back on end of.
You stand a chance of holding up a picture if you can fix a raw plug into render and those blocks, plaster board forget it.
That architrave around the door needs to come off to do a proper job too.

Never easy when you are not in control that's the problem.

We have them here.
Thankfully they are only in the upstairs rooms (we built up a bit).
But yes I will agree they are a PITA.

Why does he not have enough board?
So now you are about to tell me hes going to stick plasterboard to the wall :vb-groan2:
Render and plaster came off, that's what should go back on end of.
You stand a chance of holding up a picture if you can fix a raw plug into render and those blocks, plaster board forget it.
That architrave around the door needs to come off to do a proper job too.

Never easy when you are not in control that's the problem.

Boarding it but just a bodge, still loose plaster in places, needs to come off


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