....that I have gone from elated to deflated this arvo.
Flipping visa process.
This is long and drawn out, involves very precise paperwork and filling in of more or less identical forms in two places.
Having done it afore I knew what I was up against so just buckled down and got on with it.
Each year there are new wrinkles but all seemed to be going fine.
then they asked form our mobile phone numbers . Grrr!

Big Grrrrrrrr!
They put an example of a number "447654321654" or summat
So I followed the example and put mine in exactly like that 44735******
Right at the end in order to confirm and submit your form they said they would send you a verification code on said mobile.
They were very strict and said that if certian important info like first name, surname, date of birth and yes mobile phone number , weren't right then basically it'd all be jiggered and you would have to open a new account and do about another hour and half 's work on a new email address.
so pressed the button to get the verification code, (you are only allowed 2 attempts) the phone number in the format I put up was there for me to check, waited, waited. It never came, even though I had got W to check my mobile was working by sending me a lickle text.
Nope, it's flipped.
I got so furious and upset W offered to make me a cup of tea! (That would make it about the third time in my life she's done that!)
so rang the help number ,eventually got through to be told to ring them on the mobile I was talking about!!! Yet more grinding of teeth. so did that, no reply, except basically, recorded message: "Go away it's gone 4:30 p.m. Try again tomoz".
Do you have any idea how much we all hate this wretched flipping system???

This is the thrid time of doing it and only the first one ever went OK.
OK, I've stopped shiaking with wrath now, more or less.
Rant over.
Have a good evening folks!