now the dirty lot are in the freelander section we can have a clear out in hear. maybe get some potpourri
Good idea. I has also taken down the "****ta" sign and replaced it with a toilet sign.

I would just like to say. I have droven me traccta 270 miles took me 4hrs 15mins but I stopped at trowell services on M1 for Lunch, so 4hrs drivening doing 75/80mph 90% of the time. & I is alive and well.

I can still hear and me vision int blurred.. :D

The pig is shattered tho :eek:
FFS it's one thing the durdy bastids wanting their tratters to be like Freelanders. But now they want them to break like Freelanders too. :rolleyes:

which we all know wont happen,can you gay boys kindly #### orf back to you hairdressing salon you call the gaylander forum or we will systematically burn all gaylanders you have been put up with in the tratter section for to long its time to kick you lot out
put t'kettle on Hippo ( i've just flopped down int big tatty leffer arm chair wiv oil barrel coffee table)

i've brought a big tin of choccy hob-nobs that we've gotta eat afore the durdy tratters get here :)
Ma hippo is being air lifted to the dealer tomorrow to have his codes sorted out. I thought it would be nice to light a candle for him.

put t'kettle on Hippo ( i've just flopped down int big tatty leffer arm chair wiv oil barrel coffee table)

i've brought a big tin of choccy hob-nobs that we've gotta eat afore the durdy tratters get here :)

FFS, been in a meeting:mad::mad:, is there any biccys left:eek::eek:
I has just had a call from the main dealer and they have put the code back in ma heaps immobiliser, and I can collect him today. I thought it would be nice for you lot to be the first to know. :D
I has just had a call from the main dealer and they have put the code back in ma heaps immobiliser, and I can collect him today. I thought it would be nice for you lot to be the first to know. :D

Nice one;);) Now about this chronic shortage of biccys :mad::mad::mad: priorities and all that:rolleyes::rolleyes:

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