Now here's a fing. On occasion I gets fuel starvation, no power won't rev.Replaced the fuel pump. Problem came back.
Found if I blew back the line to the tank it fixes, until it happens again. Got no sedimenter.
Had the top off the tank earlier and there are two little white discs, like the kind inside the cap of a pop bottle, lurking at the bottom. occasionally one must get sucked onto the end of the fuel pipe I think.
Couldn't snag the little bastids though. Any ideas peeps? :confused:
Now here's a fing. On occasion I gets fuel starvation, no power won't rev.Replaced the fuel pump. Problem came back.
Found if I blew back the line to the tank it fixes, until it happens again. Got no sedimenter.
Had the top off the tank earlier and there are two little white discs, like the kind inside the cap of a pop bottle, lurking at the bottom. occasionally one must get sucked onto the end of the fuel pipe I think.
Couldn't snag the little though. Any ideas peeps? :confused:
Drop a lighted match int. That'll get them

Have yer tried ter temp them out with er biter chocolate?

Get two this pieces er wood un put er nail inter make em inter a cross. Be it nail 6 hinches fromt won end. Use said wood as big sissurs. But dun't cut the. Just grip it urnuff to pull it out.

If yer int got any strips er wood... ask the misses if yer can borrow her broom stick. Thai er nail tut ender broom un fish the oot we that. Dun't stab too ard or yer'll av ole int tank.

@Mackers see wot good advice yerd miss if yer weren't ear
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I guess this is broke then,


Well the Owls are out, twit twooing in the late afternoon. I am guessing they have young somewhere and need loads of food so get out early. Will go and check the trees for fluffy feather balls tomorrow and see what I can see.

Good luck with that list. You got a full weekend then.
ATB in the back already?


Long weekend here in the UK. So a relaxing weekend witha few ( lots) beer thrown in. Yep an ATB in the back which following this weekends mishap , is probably why I broke a halfshaft rather than have a broken diff. I seem to break a lot of diffs..LOL.


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