Eye found er big bee walkin urcross me bafroom floor.
At t' weekend I needed a new wiper blade for me landy. I have a few various new wipers on a hook in the garage and luckily one of them was a new Bosch item for the landy. Opened the box and pulled the wiper out - along with a f@*8g great hornet which weren't too pleased about been woken up. Made me move a bit sharpish after I evicted it. :eek:
At t' weekend I needed a new wiper blade for me landy. I have a few various new wipers on a hook in the garage and luckily one of them was a new Bosch item for the landy. Opened the box and pulled the wiper out - along with a f@*8g great hornet which weren't too pleased about been woken up. Made me move a bit sharpish after I evicted it. :eek:
Eye be found an ornit ont me bedroom carpet last November. Just checked the photo un terdays bee be er ornit int stead. :eek:
Gid moanin me fiends.
Schewsdi anne snot sunni ear anne swet anne cowld anne orribubble
Mite avta av de otter-on coz eye iz cowld.
Avva gud deigh worrevverer youz iz adoinof.

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