Usual selection of Landys at Steam show


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Eye has had some sucess wiv me squirrel. Eye put hazel nuts by me garage where eye could see them from me castle. Each day one would dissapear. Then all 3 went so eye put oot some more. They went wivvin 2 days. Each day eye make sure there's more put oot.

Over the weekend eye spottid me squirrel on me patio sneeking up to me hazel nut location. He would take one and run oft. Repeated this until he were a bit more confident and would sit eating one then run oft wiv anuvva. Eye would replace and he came back 20 minutes later. If there were none to find he would not come back that day or come back once again just to check.

Eye started to put nuts around me patio and he would search ferrum. Quite good at finding them. At one point eye were looking through the kitchen window ready to take a pic. He was sat on me garage watching me. He normally enters me garden via running along me fence and tree's. Eye were oot picking tomartoes yesdi and hurd somefink russling. He crept up to eat a nut but ran oft when eye stood up. Spottid him run round me garage and under the fence. That's tge normal path he takes. Also spottid from upstairs.

So far he has come up to me patio doors and looked/found nuts ootside by them. Eye has learnt to stay still when e's about. Must be simular to burds. They can spot movement in me castle and shoot oft.
What are you going to trade. Crypto ain't a commodity. It's not linked to an object like a share which is effectively part of a company. There's no true value in it. It relies on noobs buying into it to put money in. Peeps boast about gains but no one ever loses despite some heavy drops in its value. How does that work. Thems with a vested interest want it to work. They want to avoid normal payment methods to put one up the gov and tax man. What they have actually done is create a method the underworld can use for illegal activity.
So is that the equivalent of pyramid selling without you actually buying anything?:stars::stars::stars:
Morning all, hope all are well.
Wented to the dentist just now.
Had xrays. Was told I have a slight little problemette, did I want to leave it two years or have the lickle filling done soon?
So opted to get it done soonish.

She asked me how much I drank, I told her the truth and she then told me the govt wanted her to see me more often! So 6 monthly rather than yearly. I asked if I HAD to do this, no she said, it's up to you. So she ticked the box that said she'd told me and I said I'll stick to the yearly, thanks.

I jokingly asked her if she thought my teeth looked ravaged by alcohol. No she said, but she has seen peeps with teeth down to the level of their gums due to alcohol. :eek:
She also said if she opens a bottle of wine she can't put the cork back in it! So she and her husband have decided to only drink on holiday! (I must be prejudiced as I was a bit surprised that a middle eastern lady likes her wine so much. )

Off to the dump in a little while to dump all the grass cut this year so far. So umpteen placcy bags to empty. (oooh, pongy!)They cover the floor of the whole of the back of the Disco, plus my statutory 1 gallon of old oil. :mad:
Monday not a good day at he dump, expecting to queue as they constantly bring trucks in to remove the huge bin things, but Danny the gardener is coming this afternoon so I want both vehicles on the road so he can do weeding on the front, he and I will have to push the car trailer around. :rolleyes:
Bit cooler today, really glad as I was sweating big drops yessdi carrying bags back and forth to the Disco and cleaning the slugs off them. And it ain't raining!!

Such fun!
Have a good one folks!:):):)
Parked right in front of the three dump thingies only to find they weren't open so I had to lug all 20 or so bags across the car park to another one in a place they never normally put one. Just as I got to the last two bags blokey says, "oh, we're opening this one now!" Right behind the Disco. Does anyone else have a dump where the dumpsters are parked at ground floor level so you have to climb a flight of stairs to dump everything? I'm sure they are higher than a ground floor room!:mad:

Almost all the bags were reusuable as they are of thicker plastic than the usual ones, so I brought them back home to rinse out and reuse.:):):)

I may be as tight as a crab's buttocks but I'm also greener than a very green thing in the middle of a field of green grass! 🤣 🤣 🤣
I did all this messing about so I could get the place sorted out for the gardener to come around and weed the front.
He's just emailed us cos he's pulled the starter cord out of his strimmer/hedge trimmer so "Can I come on Friday?"

Don't think he'll come today! Still, tother stuff is done.
Must get the bags out of the Disco, and the rubber floor mat cos that'll need flushing too. Whole vehicle smells of sileage.
There are some things you do with a Landy that I doubt many would ever do with an ornery car. ;) 🤣
That's peasy, try Danish
For example, 60 is tresindstyve (literally tre-sinds-tyve, "three times 20"). 50 is halvtreds, short for halvtredje-sinds-tyve, "half third times twenty", implying two score plus half of the third score. For example, 75 is femoghalvfjerds, "five-and-half-fourth(-times-twenty)".
Well I thought French was bad enough but that is utterly bonkers.

Are all Danes really hot on mental ariffmetic?

I must be thick but I still don't understand the arithmetic on that 75 thing.
For a kick off it could be read about 3 different ways.
"Five and a half" => 5 1/2 /4 x 20
or 5 "and" (i.e. +) half fourth i.e. 1/2 / 4 or 1/8th.
Or 5 + 1/2 of 4 times 20 which is 5 + 2 times 20 which is 45.
To me it should be 5 and half of 20 plus 3 times 20

I think I really am thick.
I'll have to google all this now.
God you are giving me homework again.

So you speak Danish then? That's well :cool::cool::cool:
Well I thought French was bad enough but that is utterly bonkers.

Are all Danes really hot on mental ariffmetic?

I must be thick but I still don't understand the arithmetic on that 75 thing.
For a kick off it could be read about 3 different ways.
"Five and a half" => 5 1/2 /4 x 20
or 5 "and" (i.e. +) half fourth i.e. 1/2 / 4 or 1/8th.
Or 5 + 1/2 of 4 times 20 which is 5 + 2 times 20 which is 45.
To me it should be 5 and half of 20 plus 3 times 20

I think I really am thick.
I'll have to google all this now.
God you are giving me homework again.

So you speak Danish then? That's well :cool::cool::cool:
So five and half the fourth twenty.

Half the fourth twenty, or 10
The three twenties you must have if you're going to half the fourth (by implication), or 60
Is totally crackers as you say. Imagine what really big numbers sound like. Here's the Wiki I plundered for the original post.

And no, I don't speak Dane. Is just one of those snippets you pick up on the way.. :)

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