Ma pig likes Dove, can you alter the order:confused:
I'll ask them to add it to the list.

LOL is that what they call off roading :D:D:D my Focus could do that :p
That's strange as I drove a focus onto a grass verge to avoid an oncoming car and 1 wheel dropped into a drain hole. All it could do is spin the wheel in the hole with no grip. Ma hippo would have applied the power and sensed the wheel was spinning and etc would have pulse braked it, to allow power the other front wheel instead. But then again the power to the rear wheels would have been enough for it to drive out. Ma Freelander is the same year as the focus. Many peeps tell me their 2 wheel drive car is betterer than ma Freelander. Problem is most hire cars at work are 2 wheel drive. Many of them have been on building sites and fields. So I know their limits and ma Freelander is betterer. :p
That's strange as I drove a focus onto a grass verge to avoid an oncoming car and 1 wheel dropped into a drain hole. All it could do is spin the wheel in the hole with no grip. Ma hippo would have applied the power and sensed the wheel was spinning and etc would have pulse braked it, to allow power the other front wheel instead. But then again the power to the rear wheels would have been enough for it to drive out. Ma Freelander is the same year as the focus. Many peeps tell me their 2 wheel drive car is betterer than ma Freelander. Problem is most hire cars at work are 2 wheel drive. Many of them have been on building sites and fields. So I know their limits and ma Freelander is betterer. :p

Wasn't commenting on the Focus v Freelander, I agree the Freelander is marginally better off road :p:p:p

I was commenting on the pathetic video showing off roading :D:D:D:D It was hardly challenging stuff was it
Wasn't commenting on the Focus v Freelander, I agree the Freelander is marginally better off road :p:p:p

I was commenting on the pathetic video showing off roading :D:D:D:D It was hardly challenging stuff was it
Had me on the edge of ma seat. :D

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