Eye bring bad news. Tis true. Shreddys be vegan anorl. Ses ont box. Eye as bin eated em fer years but din't know they made em outer animuls. Advert shows em bin nitted ont telly. Tis wrong eye tells yer.
Eye bring bad news. Tis true. Shreddys be vegan anorl. Ses ont box. Eye as bin eated em fer years but din't know they made em outer animuls. Advert shows em bin nitted ont telly. Tis wrong eye tells yer.

Recycled Nannas ...
Good morning
Feeling a bit rough, must have been too much chicken and beer last night
(well I am still in South Korea, 2 days till home time)
Gid moanin me fiends
Itza Frydi agin!! Sew itz weak endsz agin.
Dunt thyme gu farst wen yerziz avvin funns?
Der sons shy nin switz gunna beea luvvli daigh.
Swavva guddun wear ivver yerziz anne worrevverz yerziz adoinof.

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