I got told off for doing too much so im getting my mate to finish it, working all day then coming home for lunch
loading out the block, cutting the ones for the buttresses then laying block not getting in until its dark.
Getting dinner....big led light on & back out so I got told off. My mate is certainly not wingnut.
Works for himself he's fully booked for 2 years but came round to help me out. He is much faster than me I
got one course up one side he had 2 but this is his trade. :) :)
Also he is 6'4 so has a longer reach (damm) lol I dont know any roofers so I'll be doing that myself.
Dont care if I get my ears chewed of. I'll use the machine to lift up the slate n take my time.
Good on you. And your missus for looking after you!
Sounds like a great bloke.
You'll be in it much faster now.
Sorting windscreen wipers out today
Grass needs cutting but it's a bit damp, forecast better next week
House tidying as well, girlfriend coming tonight to watch my tele and drink my tea, gives her a break from her house and two dogs, I'm not keen on dogs in the house so don't go to her place.
Stay safe all :)
The first time I met W we went back to her house. Her test was to see how I got on with her two King Charlies. I fell in love with them straight away. The younger one was a real poppet but the older one was a lot fussier about who came round. But even she enjoyed my company and let me play with her.

So I passed.

All unbeknownst to me of course. She did tell me (quite a lot) later.
Tammy, the elder one, she reckoned was a very good judge of blokes.
So I found a mountain bike on my dog walk about 2 months ago, good’en anorl. Anyway, looked at online advice, post on local forums hand in to police etc. so after 2 months, no replies, police not interested, you could get council to collect as a fly tipped item. Anyway, police now say just keep it you’ve done due diligence…
I is back from Castille el Wimblowdriver. Got back into Wimblowdriver Towers at 04:30 this morning. So I am not doing much today. For some reason I don't understand me mobile phone wouldn't let me post on 'ere while I was away, and just licking a post was a long winded affair which, after a couple of days, I CBA to keep up with. But was able to read all of yer posts and keep up with the fred.

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