Landys get everywhere
They do along with a few of these beasts

They call it "A murder of crows" for a reason. :(
I was sitting in my garden room when there was an almighty thump in the roof.
A crow had forced a young pigeon down and it hit the roof and broke its neck and rolled off onto the patio.
The Crow then sat up on the next roof looking for his meal. Horrid bird. :(
Using my phone to do emails etc is TOTALLY NAFF!!!!!
Hate it. Had done 3/4 of an hour of a reply when my phone decided to interrupt me with some total tosh and when I persuaded it to let me get back to it it had lost most of it. Allegedly 2drafts it had saved. Pants!!!
Was driving to Ayrshire along a b road doing under 50mph & the 4x4 in front just veered onto the other lane
off the road into the farm hedge & fence :eek::eek: I jumped out to see if he was ok, I thought he was dead as he
was slumped against the window :oops: Car was locked but the window was down a little I couldnt get to the drivers
side as it was in the hedge/against the fence if that wasnt there it would have rolled, wee dog in the back which was
ok. He came to & couldnt remember anything and wasnt hurt. Lucky an off duty cop appeared & in another car a nurse
& first aid responder. Waited for the plod to come gave details & wished him well. :)
Was driving to Ayrshire along a b road doing under 50mph & the 4x4 in front just veered onto the other lane
off the road into the farm hedge & fence :eek::eek: I jumped out to see if he was ok, I thought he was dead as he
was slumped against the window :oops: Car was locked but the window was down a little I couldnt get to the drivers
side as it was in the hedge/against the fence if that wasnt there it would have rolled, wee dog in the back which was
ok. He came to & couldnt remember anything and wasnt hurt. Lucky an off duty cop appeared & in another car a nurse
& first aid responder. Waited for the plod to come gave details & wished him well. :)
Are you ok though? Can get shock later on.
Just put the dead pigwing on the feeding stone in the dark so the foxes get it and not the murderous ruddy Crow's. :(
I might just take to shooting the Crows, I have not decided.
I know they are just doing what Crow's do, but it's not nice. Crows & Magpies are aggressive birds that rob nests and kill other birds.

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