Back from the vets, not good news, as sadly we were expecting. The good news is that although the antibiotics aren't doing anything at least the problem isn't a cancer. But the next steps will cost a lot of money just to try and find out what is wrong with her, and if the endoscope and the deeper examination of her ganglion reveals nothing then what is left is an MRI at €450. :eek: :eek:
So she goes back next week for the day, prolly, full anaesthetic etc.

Good news, we got to the CPAM before the queue really got going. We were 3rd to the desk. By the time we left they were queuing out the door and slightly up the street.

So hopefully some dosh will hit our account soonish.

Also been invited out to dins on Sunday as well as the Monday so we won't be feeding ourselves for 2 days running!
Hope you are all having fun. The sun is out here and it is hot again.
Yep fun in the sun, always jobs to do 👍
Trubble is, mine always seems to involve machinery that makes a noise and you can't do that between 12 and 2. Which is about when I get myself together enough to get on wiv it! So have now eaten, sipping white wine while W decides what wine we'll be taking back with us.

Agreed that now.
Now have to head back down for her fizzio and then shopping.

Dry day and no gardening done. That's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.:rolleyes:
U building a warehouse for the borrower's?
No but Tobermory & Orinoco turned up this morning in a van 🤣

The rest of the squad are on the way...

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