Sqwiggle gone. Chuck and chips fer tea. Then a magpie came to attack me feeder. Eye is going to weave tie raps round the bottom metal bits so it cant gerrit's beak in. One of me sunfliwer heads is missing. They is finished and sort of dieing. Was going to dig em up but eye will now leave them as is so me sqwiggle fiend can av them.
That will love them are thay red's or grays
Evening folks :)

So busy busy peeps here.

We went to the kite day and had some naughty food, burger and chips and a beer it was lovely. Nice walk on the beach in the late afternoon sun.

Oh Kermit was there too enjoying the wind.

A few nice beach bums too but I didn’t dare take pics:vb-hush:

Some of them look good looked a good day out did you go for a swim sea looks inviting ☺

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