Having a coffee then im putting the rest of the dashboard parts back on the mini, couldnt get the abs lights to go
out after 3 hours I packed up. I need to get my diagnostic wizard mate down to burn it work his magic.
Then im going to attempt to wash my motors. Njoy yer day peeps. :)
Afternoon folks. The morning sped past with us unconscious in bed, apart from the dogs getting me up to let them out at about 5:50. I think we all appreciated the fact that the temps have dropped so far that we could get a decent night's sleep, in fact I think it rained most of the night. It certainly rained again all morning and it is predicted ro rain most of the night and tomorrow. Looks like summer is over.
Afternoon folks. The morning sped past with us unconscious in bed, apart from the dogs getting me up to let them out at about 5:50. I think we all appreciated the fact that the temps have dropped so far that we could get a decent night's sleep, in fact I think it rained most of the night. It certainly rained again all morning and it is predicted ro rain most of the night and tomorrow. Looks like summer is over.
I'll let yer no wennits t'afta noon 🤯🤪🧐
How did it go?
All good thanks, first time I've been able to actually push the fireblade.. it's freaking hard work!! I gave up using the clutch for upshifts, preferring to hold on for dear life with both hands, not just one!! At one point I'm sure i saw a bird flying backwards but i was too focused on daring to let go long enough to grab the brake to care what was happening to the space-time continuum 🤯🏍️💨
All good thanks, first time I've been able to actually push the fireblade.. it's freaking hard work!! I gave up using the clutch for upshifts, preferring to hold on for dear life with both hands, not just one!! At one point I'm sure i saw a bird flying backwards but i was too focused on daring to let go long enough to grab the brake to care what was happening to the space-time continuum 🤯🏍️💨
In the mid 2000's my Mrs got diagnosed (wrongly) with a DVT, they told me to get to the hospital if I wanted to say goodbye :eek: so I rode my 98 Fireblade at 'progressive' speeds and it felt like the traffic was going backwards!
She was okay but I had risked my life, freedom and indeed license for absolutely nothing :vb-nono:
In the mid 2000's my Mrs got diagnosed (wrongly) with a DVT, they told me to get to the hospital if I wanted to say goodbye :eek: so I rode my 98 Fireblade at 'progressive' speeds and it felt like the traffic was going backwards!
She was okay but I had risked my life, freedom and indeed license for absolutely nothing :vb-nono:
Glad to hear it! But it wasn't for nothing🙂 hindsight doesn't count
Nope you're an hour ahead of yourself🤪🙄🤔
Tis afternoon now 🤭😂
We have an outside clock that takes its time from a radio signal. Despite the fact that we are hundreds of miles away it still reads the signal from Cumbria so reminds us of what the time is by GMT or as it is now BST. But here in Frogland we are on Froggy summertime, so one hour ahead of current BST. ;)
In the mid 2000's my Mrs got diagnosed (wrongly) with a DVT, they told me to get to the hospital if I wanted to say goodbye :eek: so I rode my 98 Fireblade at 'progressive' speeds and it felt like the traffic was going backwards!
She was okay but I had risked my life, freedom and indeed license for absolutely nothing :vb-nono:
Glad you survived!
Did you have a go at them? I bliddy would!
Reminds me of the time I accidentally took my old passport with me when going to catch the Portsmouth ferry, got about 45 mins into the journey afore W checked for some bizarre reason.
Turned round, rushed back, picked tother'un up and raced to the port at speeds of up to 127 mph, only to get there on time AND find the ferry was leaving 1 hour late! Lucky not to get dun fur speading!

Still wondering how they can have wrongly diagnosed such a thing!
Glad you survived!
Did you have a go at them? I bliddy would!
Reminds me of the time I accidentally took my old passport with me when going to catch the Portsmouth ferry, got about 45 mins into the journey afore W checked for some bizarre reason.
Turned round, rushed back, picked tother'un up and raced to the port at speeds of up to 127 mph, only to get there on time AND find the ferry was leaving 1 hour late! Lucky not to get dun fur speading!

Still wondering how they can have wrongly diagnosed such a thing!
They thought it showed up on a scan and her symptoms corroborated that, until it didn't.
I was just so happy she was ok, I didn't make a fuss.

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