27 in da house right now!
It's only 0818 'ere! :(:(
Woke up early in the middle of the night, couldn't get comfortable, back and legs killing me, this after doing just one tankful of using the big machine. :rolleyes:
Market day today.
will be 35 degs odd again but a big storm is expected this arvo.
Need to get on the roof and cut the Virginia creeper away from the window and roof. Not doing that in the rain though.
Have a good one folks!:):):)
Morning all seams damp ootside but suns oot, got cramp in my left calf just before I woke up omg that was painful. :eek:
Did you get the missus to stretch it, as you used to see footballers do on the pitch? Works like a treat.;)
Used to be doing this a lot when I was at boarding school, we all did so much sport. So when W gets it, I do the same.
When our friends from Cherbourg came to stay the husband got it and I decramped him too. He seemed very surprised at how it worked and that anyone other than a medico would know how!

I never used to get it, but since my Astra-Zenica provoked thrombosis I too get it in my left calf, but not too badly and I can decramp myself pretty quickly.

Better than taking pills for it or whatever. W has to take Quinine tablets as she gets cramp so often. :(
All this talk of electrickery makes my hair stand up.

This is what I am led to believe.

In the UK. the Neutral goes back to the "station" the earth goes to a ground stake at the property be it a pipe in the ground or a stake in the ground.
Cross bonding is done for different reasons and should not be called an earth. And I believe it stems from the fact when all houses had metal pipework. today with all the fancy breakers we have in our fuse boxes an earth leak will trip it.

Also 1 should understand that in europe, neutral is earth. We have 4 wires come into our house. 3 live, 1 neutral/earth because it terminates at the pole to a big ground spike.

No I don't have 3 phase although that's what they call it cos we have 3 live wires that can only carry a small amount of load. so the house is split with which wire the supply comes from.

I am not an electrician but have not spiked my hair yet, or let any smoke out of the wires. but a real screwdriver wielding, tiewrap cutting non clearing up after yourself person will be along soon:).

Can I be so bold as to give you a litle hint?
As soon as the jam is poured, close the lid. Like would happen in a factory, it creates a vacuum and there is much less chance of dodgy growth on the top.

(We've been jam, marmalade and jelly making for years.)

Looks very neat, very clean and new jars, or maybe just new seals. Enjoy them!!
The picture taken after pouring and as you said I did close jars whilst still hot
Just when I thought I had a day to myself GF phoned to ask if I would take her shopping o_O
Got Clio to service for my grand daughter and a parcel to post for neighbour which I should have done yesterday
Got to pick a key up from locksmith for a friend
Got to pop in and get some wood bits for my brother while I'm out and about
Maybe get a free day tomorrow to tinker :D

Stay safe all
(28.7 in da house!)

The bitz I ordered for the big machine yessdi arvo are now awaiting pickup!
Typically we just got back from shopping and the email arrived while were out. :rolleyes:
Was told 48 hrs min so they have done exceedingly well!
Just getting outside a large Ricard, so better not drive for a bit!
Although it is hot, for a change there is a nice breeze.
Enjoy your arvos folks!:):):)
Just in the door was taking the dash out the mini to fit a body control unit, then the key module & ecu what a pita.
had a few faults.......... 🤣 🤣 🤣

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Kev, man, I feel sorry for you with all this poop.
Is this the one you are doing up to sell?
You really don't need all this.
I was thinking of buying one of these as they are cheap as chips, or were last time I looked, but this sort of stuff puts me off.
(Still remember that barstaff from Wimborne who flogged you the dodgy one.)

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