Mice what mice
Evening folks :).

So just spoke with our nearest neighbour, he had a well/bore hole dug 2 yrs ago with a proper setup. 42meters, it’s dry now:mad:. He is lower than us too.

Also in the world of us news, we now have the advanced party of big chickens roosting in the oaks, sign of things moving quick without noticing.

Another sign, we will be picking apples today and tomoz to take them for crushing on Monday. Blokey has had to start already, did a load earlier this week away from his normal schedule as we are all in the same boat.

We have worked out we need 162 kilos as we still have 9 litres left over from last year. We may well not make that as there aren't so many but they are falling off the trees so they have to go.
I am pooped and on my third, well earned, can from the fridge. Did a tip run this morning, had to take a detour home due to a queue of traffic - happy to do that in me tratter with the wireless on. This afternoon resumed work on my roof maintenance now that the weather has improved, it's been "in abeyance' for a couple of months as other things needed doing. Made good progress anorl. And my landy key fob needs a new battery - suspected it for a couple of weeks now. Spare now in use until I get some new batteries. Also downloaded me boarding passes for next months holibobs flights, ain't tinterweb great? Happy weekend all you workers. Just wait until you retire, you won't have weekends off anymore o_O
Many a true word!!!;)
Another sign, we will be picking apples today and tomoz to take them for crushing on Monday. Blokey has had to start already, did a load earlier this week away from his normal schedule as we are all in the same boat.

We have worked out we need 162 kilos as we still have 9 litres left over from last year. We may well not make that as there aren't so many but they are falling off the trees so they have to go.
This is why we moved to a bungalow with no garden. I am tired just reading about it, let alone picking 162 kilos of apples! Good luck with it and stay hydrated πŸ˜€
This is why we moved to a bungalow with no garden. I am tired just reading about it, let alone picking 162 kilos of apples! Good luck with it and stay hydrated πŸ˜€
At least we'll be in the shade and with the pool to jump into if it gets too much. But I am expecting to have to do most of it as W shouldn't be on her feet much.
Hydrashun shoun't be a pralm, azh we wont be driiving anywhersh!!!
Sunny but a stiff breeze this morning, probably rain blowing in from somewhere
Working on my list of things to do on my toy truck in preparation for the transport show in 4 weeks time
Finished the mirrors last night and doing a bit on the diesel tanks today
Still got a bit of welding to do on the trailer tool box and fit the lid
Must get going if I'm going to be ready
Hope things go well for everyone this weekend, take care :)

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