Customer who has become my partners friend came into shop today her husband who has been deteriating with Altziemers was hospitalised due to a severe bug they decided that he needed now be placed in 24hr care we didnt realise he was now aggresive she is a retired nurse they found a private care home near their house she is over the moon with the quality and the staff and the care provided...and the cost 1400€ a month...another mate I hooked up with at a bbq last sun his son broke his back in a bike accident a few years ago has 2 carers come in twice a day to change him and his bedding which allows mate to work costs 120€ a month...thats how it works in Portugal but some on here ridicule it as a backward country
Don't sound like a backward country to me more like a country that cares about its people
It prolly would normally, hate to think what the waiting lists are like in UK, if worst comes to worst I'll get it done privately in the UK.
If yer see a uk gp they will refer yer to the hospital. Big c is a priority so yer gerra date with the hospital quite quick. When eye had mine earlier this year eye was at the hospital SK dept 10 days after seeing me gp.
If yer see a uk gp they will refer yer to the hospital. Big c is a priority so yer gerra date with the hospital quite quick. When eye had mine earlier this year eye was at the hospital SK dept 10 days after seeing me gp.
I had a long convo with the oncology dept at Poole hospital tother day. she said for what I've got the wait would depend on what type I have, how serious it is etc etc. Maybe your area isn't so flooded with skin cancer, the oncologist said it is much worse where we live, (i.e. down sarf), and growing.
Jazz last night was weird but OK. (W loves this sorta stuff more than I do. But a Sousaphone? :vb-confused2: )
Hot again today wonder if it'll last or get overcast like yessdi.
Manomano?! Grr. Say no more!

Our oldest dog has started behaving weirdly during the night. Two nights ago we were woken by a fight going on next to W's side. It stopped as quickly as it started the the old'un wouldn't settle, panting like mad although it wasn't hot, walking around and around, I followed her down the stairs let her out, she went out, came back in, had a drink, went out again, came back in again very quickly. I made sure there was plenty of water upstairs too. She then carried on wondering around and panting, standing looking at the stairs, so I took her down again. Repeat of the earlier scenario.
Then back upstairs where she did the wondering and panting thing for ages until finally settling down and going quiet.

Early this a.m. similar thing, small tiff with the middle dog in the same place followed by a bit of the wondering around and downstairs thing then back up only this time she settled faster.

We have had loads of dogs and never seen this. Mind she is very old for a medium sized dog. 18 or so. Fink her marbles get shook up.
I had a long convo with the oncology dept at Poole hospital tother day. she said for what I've got the wait would depend on what type I have, how serious it is etc etc. Maybe your area isn't so flooded with skin cancer, the oncologist said it is much worse where we live, (i.e. down sarf), and growing.
Eye would guess it depends on what the population does. Wiv you being in essix wide boy territory yer probably gorra lot of peeps tanning themselfs and walking around topless. And thats just the wide boys. So the hospitals will be busyer than up norf.

Gov has rules on speed of first appointment wiv suspected cancer. Mine was negative burreye was surprised how quick the appointment came. On a satdi anorl.
Eye is cort up wiv me licks. E7 washing done. Just done me washing up and 2 little burds were inside me feeder. Happy wiv that. Eye sometime walk past and see broken wurms in the base. Was wondering if the big burds were trying to shake it.

Eye has ordered me hedgehog food bowl. Need some sticks for me tomatoes. Spottid more growing. Went to homebase yesdi for cheap soil. 8 sovs fer 80L each int sale. We gottid 4. Tis easier taking edgar as he has no roots so we can leave his pot at home. Suns oot. Big dark cloud just gone past but no rain.

Me grass weed killer aint killed the non grass fings geowing innit. Moss went black but thats it.

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