I has taken a leaf from your book an now has dicky
birds inna garden too. All sparrows.
The bastid starlins an pidgins have stayed nex door, greedy bully fuggers.
Is a joy. Has bought sum mealy wurms for (their) brekfas.
I has taken a leaf from your book an now has dicky
birds inna garden too. All sparrows.
The bastid starlins an pidgins have stayed nex door, greedy bully fuggers.
Is a joy. Has bought sum mealy wurms for (their) brekfas.
If you think the starlings and the pigeons are greedy just wait until our greater spotted woodpeckers find your peanuts!
No peanuts..
The birdies drops 'em and we gots badgers round here that'll go through a fence (literally) to get 'em :D
Nothing will get through our triple fenced boundary barriers! They are designed to prevent dog escapes! Unfortunately we can't prevent the over-flying gang from invading us.
Nothing will get through our triple fenced boundary barriers! They are designed to prevent dog escapes! Unfortunately we can't prevent the over-flying gang from invading us.

They want to get out pretty bad then?
They want to get out pretty bad then?View attachment 171975
Most of the hedges are 14' high so that would be the only way they could manage to do it! They do not want to escape but, as a breed, they want to show you just how much cleverer than you they are. If they did get out they would simple stand outside, looking in with a huge 'grin' on their faces as if to say ' think again!'
Most of the hedges are 14' high so that would be the only way they could manage to do it! They do not want to escape but, as a breed, they want to show you just how much cleverer than you they are. If they did get out they would simple stand outside, looking in with a huge 'grin' on their faces as if to say ' think again!'
Bearded collies right?
I has taken a leaf from your book an now has dicky
birds inna garden too. All sparrows.
The starlins an pidgins have stayed nex door, greedy bully fuggers.
Is a joy. Has bought sum mealy wurms for (their) brekfas.
If yer get problems with big birds like pigwings yer can put a wire frame over yer feeder so the big ones un squirrels can't get to said food. They will then move ont.

Mine only get food ont slabs at the moment while eye keep movin it closer to me bird baffs. Ont windy days like this it be er waste er time.
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Well this latest bout of warm weather certainly has woke up the wildlife:)
Ladybirds are all waking up, frogs are shouting:mad:

Just waiting for the storks to come back:)

And we have noticed today a couple of tress starting to show blossom (they are always first)

So have had to pump water off the pool cover today and there is already bloody frog spawn in it:eek: it will dry out and the birds will love the meal:)

Summer kitchen is open for business :)

That reminds me. Eye keep findin lady birds ont me bath room window or sill. Eye move them outside to er leaf.

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