Got me new turbo ordered this morning. And a few other bits as found necessary during last week's foray under the bonnet with progressively larger hammers. And some more tools - a set of mini ratchet handles to improve fitting in restricted spaces, and an inspection mirror on a long bendy handle so's I can see what I am doing. Although what I will see will be upside down and turning the wrong way. And although I don't mind squandering my pension in this way, I do object to the price of a few single M8 nuts which cost about £4 for 3, and another 4 sovs postage. But not as bad as JLR who wanted 35 sovs per nut. Anybody want a slightly chewed genuine Land Rover nut, used once only, half price? :p
Adjustable ratchet spanners too? 😍
Got me new turbo ordered this morning. And a few other bits as found necessary during last week's foray under the bonnet with progressively larger hammers. And some more tools - a set of mini ratchet handles to improve fitting in restricted spaces, and an inspection mirror on a long bendy handle so's I can see what I am doing. Although what I will see will be upside down and turning the wrong way. And although I don't mind squandering my pension in this way, I do object to the price of a few single M8 nuts which cost about £4 for 3, and another 4 sovs postage. But not as bad as JLR who wanted 35 sovs per nut. Anybody want a slightly chewed genuine Land Rover nut, used once only, half price? :p
Eye wood have sent yer some m8 nuts from wuk fer free.
Going oot to kill some ants now.
I bought a dashcam today.
One of those pretty cheap rear-view mirror ones that gives you a real-time rear-view screen whilst also recording what happens ahead of you. I will let you know if it is good or bad/awful.
Essex police (like many other forces) has a "dob-them in" web-app.
I'm happy to dob-in any muppet drivers I encounter TBH.
Oh...and BTW, a bus-driver had to stop for me today because I was crossing a road he was turning into and I was crossing at a "designated crossing point" and he entered from another road and seemed to want to ignore my existence even though the cars on my side of my street had already stopped to allow me to cross. Does this make the driver a "Bus-w@nker"?

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