Yer normal hanging out in here buying rusty wrecks
I use to work in the garage normal hours & she'd be on the phone to see where I was before I got home ffs
Then id be on call for one week out of 4, the calls were constant hassle hassle hassle

worse when I got
home. Thing is id have to still work normal hours after been out most of the night. In the end my mates would
call in a breakdown & id go out to meet em
Mine wasn't like that she was just bonkers about stuff to do with inside the house, and she wouldn't ever do anything spontaneous.
But I had a girlfriend between wives who was absolutely brilliant when we were together at my place, but then went mental if we went out and any other woman even glanced at me. She once set off to walk home to Poole from Bath when we went to see some friends of mine. 6 of us went out for dinner and while we had our heads down eating, my mate's mate's girlfriend caught my eye and winked at me. Nothing to it at all. forgot about it.
Back at mate's place my girlfriend disappeared. I thought she'd gone to the loo, then she eventually appeared with her overcoat on.

"Can I have a word with you?"sez she, so I steps out into the passage and she accuses me of having an affair with this other wimmins that I didn't know at all! Cos she saw her wink at me.
We went back to Poole and I dumped her as soon as we got back. She had done this sort of thing so many times.
Then about 3 days later I had her mother on the phone as she was going mental, not going to work, crying non-stop etc etc.
"Not my fault, missus. She needs to see a medic!"
The next Saturday said female turns up on my doorstep, cool as a cucumber sorry as anything. Talk about non-plused!
It took all day for me to convince her that no, I didn't want to go to bed with her, no we were not going to see each other again etc etc.
Such a shame as in many ways she was brilliant but the screw that was loose was such an important one.
I think I had better go to bed now. This could go on too long!

Sleep tight!