Mrs TT is now watchin a show bout a buncha twits racin to Singapore overland on limited funds. I has retired to the bedroom cuz she has dun the hindhu kush an India an Vietnam an Burma an all that an... well you know... Twits on telly need tellin where they're goin wrong, right?
Is quieter up here :)
Boughted me self three Luceco led flood lights with pir movement senser's from homebase. The x have already removed me review. Am going full x ont this.

Eye gets the first one up but struggle wiv setting the lux bit. That's when yer vary the amount of daylight when it starts to want to turn on if yer walk int front ov it. dun't wurk. Messing wiv it the turning thing falls oft.

The pir turning fing is too week. Yer dun't get a positive feedback when turning it so yer dunt know if yer turned it too far. Buy then tis too late as it willer snapped oft. Same poor design fer both time delay and lux turning fings.

Took it back ferra nuver. Direct swop but add ter drive 20 miles ter nearest homebase wiv one int stock. £35 each fer 15w and £28 fer 8w. Other shops do cheaper ones at £20 but eye forted homebase wood be er more premium product.

The light bit is ok but the pir movement sensors is poor. It senses 120 degrees but dun't list anything else int specification. Thas cus it can only see er thin line across 120degrees. Picks yer yup when walking into it but yer can dance under it un it dun't see yer.

Put one ov the fekers ont side of ouse looking down ont drive 10 foot wide down side of said ouse. At 3 or 3.5m oft the ground it can view erbout 30 foot wide but not the 10foot wide drive. It can only do erbout 6 foot.

Eye messed wiv it un gave tup. Am not putting it higher. Tis high enough. Un eye dun't fink me ouse is tall enough ter mount high enough to watch the 10 foot width of me drive. useless when yer just need ter know which side of the drive ter walk ont ter not get lit up by said light. Kin cheap sensor ont premium price product.

Years ago halogen flood lamps had pirs which looked all round and down anorl. 30 years later with betterer lectronics and one of the more eggspensive ranges er lights an they as a cheap pir sensor witch is scared of the dark.

Light ont rear over ouse is erbout 3m oft the ground. Sensor is set so it looks down at 45degrees. only catches yer int sertan range of equivalent of standing int 1m line across its view. Eye wur eggspecting to capture movement 0.5m to say 6m. It fukin dun't.

The led lamp bit er quite well built so eye be lookinering at alert electrical ont line at their pirs. Eye is going ter get some of them un wire them up ter me led lites un it be then like the ole days when yer pir monitored a biggerer area int stead of a small slit. Eye will connect a few pirs ter each lite an oft the pir thems came wiv .Wot er waste erbout ont scaff tower int wind.
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Gid moanin me fiends.
Sneckst weal orlreddi.
Dunt thyme flies wen yerz int wotchinit.
Dunt now wot der Hippsters iz sayin bout 'Flood Lights', coz dunt vey hownly wurk int reign?
Avva guddun, coz smundi
@Hippo A kwestshun fer yer ... iz a 'Flood light' der sayme azza 'light flood' betterer noun azza 'puggle'?
Me branez izurtin anne itz hone lee mundi :D:p
@Hippo A kwestshun fer yer ... iz a 'Flood light' der sayme azza 'light flood' betterer noun azza 'puggle'?
Me branez izurtin anne itz hone lee mundi :D:p
Gud questrian me fiend. A flud lite be er lite that's fludered wiv wata. Ah lite flud is er when yer opens curtains un sun sign comes int winda.

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