My "driven hubs" project for the trike has ground to a halt. :(
In their infinite wisdom the nice folks at Sturmey Archer (curse them) have ensured that there are no perpendicular/right-angled faces against which to trap a drive-dog. All the possible faces I have tried are at sloping angles which will have a drive-dog "climbing" up the slope. I may have to resort to making holes in the hub to drill & tap in order to affix a drive-plate. :(
I had hoped to avoid doing anything that marked the hub as non-standard in any way. Ho-Hum.
The nests are under me block paving. Eye have sprayed the area and put powder down but injecting it will make it more precise. Eye dun't want to contaminate the planet too much. Also me deadded hedgehog was a worry as it were 2 meters away from where eye was killing ants. Turns oot it is unlikely to be the cause of the deaddedness. But still got me finking. Today eye checked all 12 ant nests which have little holes in me block paving with a pile of sand removed around them. No activity after squirting the ant killer liquid down them. It's called Defender Defender. Yer can gerrit from bnq. So that be good news. It's near doubled in price so eye will inject it down the holes next time. Me syringes will make it easier as the bottle dun't wurk propper on it's side. Means eye will use less anorl.
Good for you!
Obvs we can't get the same stuff but we are not overun with the little critturs.
My "driven hubs" project for the trike has ground to a halt. :(
In their infinite wisdom the nice folks at Sturmey Archer (curse them) have ensured that there are no perpendicular/right-angled faces against which to trap a drive-dog. All the possible faces I have tried are at sloping angles which will have a drive-dog "climbing" up the slope. I may have to resort to making holes in the hub to drill & tap in order to affix a drive-plate. :(
I had hoped to avoid doing anything that marked the hub as non-standard in any way. Ho-Hum.
That's a shame. Have they changed the design and if so can you get hold of second-hand ones?
Afternoon folks :).

Well it seems the rain in the afternoon has stopped, we have been on mornings only for the last 3-4 days, like being back in SG again;).
Working on the list of pool chemicals probably going up Monday for these.
But a slight glitch in plans has appeared, Mums in hospital with Pneumonia, so we will see how it goes, maybe fly back Monday.
Spoke with her today(facetime, tech is great in the right place) and she seems perky, but I have an excuse as I need to renew my passport this year anyway, worry about Dad too, so I can see flight tickets in my future.
Luckily, My late brothers partner is a real gem and has been taking Dad over to visit and sorting him out. Just wish he would put his hearing aid in when he answers the phone;).

Apart from that the bloody grass is going nuts😲, cant wait for it to be burnt yellow;).
The birds are flying around with beakfulls of bugs to feed their young:).
Just fed the cat the last chicken leg raw, believe it or not as he eats it all it works out cheaper than the processed pouches of rubbish:).


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