This is what you can rent for Β£1million a month. Alfred came to try out the port to see if he fits

I think it’s coal fired

It helps when taxpayer pays
Morning All. :D
A very long lie-in has been enjoyed by us both. :)
Our evening out with friends was nice. They have a 5YO Staffie that wanted to lie across my lap all evening. :)
What was a special surprise was the after dinner entertainment... where we got to watch their entire wedding and reception of last December all over again. 😱 :D
But despite that it was a pleasant evening. :D
Brunch in a minute, then mow the lawn later. :)
They do like to hide in hedges, did you do a good look around and feed tin rattle ?
Went back out wiv a torch and found her. She had nestled into the big weeds we purposely leave there for them to munch on. Bless her, she gave a little "puc-puc" when she recognised me and stayed put while I picked her up. They seem to be quick to learn.:):):)
Except when it is bedtime to go and wait inside the hut till daddy locks em up!. But 3 out of 4 isn't bad for only the second night here.

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